by Dana Cavalea June 27, 2018

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Hey Team...

I was reading something very interesting the other day....

Wondering why people today are holding more body mass and body fat today than ever before...I began to explore the WHY??

We are exercising more than ever... (so they say)...

And.. we have more healthy food choices than ever before....

But.. people are getting bigger and bigger...

I, personally, have even at times felt like I am eating "healthy" but not losing the weight like I once did....

So what is it?

We have a weight, body-fat, and energy crisis going on that truly does need to be addressed...

CEOs, Athletes, Corporate Workers... everybody is effected...

And, the truth is, we don't want to starve ourselves on some low calorie diet... or jump on the newest KETO eating plan...

So what do we do?

We get down and dirty and really understand something that is key....

In 1770, we as American's consumed 4lbs. of Sugar per year... it was a true "luxury indulgence" of the rich....

By 1900, that number when up to 90lbs. of Sugar per year...

And, in 2012, studies have shown the American Sugar intake per year is at 168lbs. and climbing...

Now we know what is happening to us....

The cause of the "gain" and "drain" is the sugar....

This is the premise behind most cleanses out there...

Rid the body of sugar... reap the benefits....

Although I am not a huge advocate of label reading all the time...

You must look at your overall consumption of sugar per day....

Just making this change will change your body... even without exercising!

The average American today is consuming 82grams of Sugar per day... and it happens without eating cookies and cakes.. 

The fillers and high fructose syrups are providers of the sugar... so if you can keep your sugar per day, around 25-30 grams per day... your body and mind will thank you...

Sugar clouds your thoughts...
It alters decision making...
Changes your mood...
And.. can effect how you sleep and feel "hour to hour"....Now, whenever we eliminate, we must think about our alternatives...

When you crave sugar... you have 2 choices...

1. Kill the Craving with Greens... either green vegetables or green tea/ matcha...

2. Eat a Sweet Fruit like an apple or pear as an alternative...

Now I know you would rather crush the candy bar or muffin or cake....

But, if the goal is to clean up your body, then you know the options...

Sugar is keeping you heavy....

It is making your gym time and walking wasted time if the goal is weight loss....

Check labels. Cut SUGAR. Feel amazing....( and by the way.. bread = sugar... so cut it out!)

More to come...



** If you liked today's blog.. please share! We are building a great team.. and together we can do amazing things! 



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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