by Dana Cavalea April 30, 2017 4 Comments
The difference between the Corporate World and the Sports World is that athletes realize if they don't take care of their bodies and mind, they will never be wealthy as a result of poor on-field play or no on-field play as a result of injury.
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by Dana Cavalea April 29, 2017
What I have always found so amazing about sports is that sports can bring people together like nothing else. As your stock market is crashing, it is sports like horse racing that give people hope. There are incredible stories of HOPE and Perseverance that come from sports. There is always that story within the story.
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by Dana Cavalea April 28, 2017
Our baseline of life starts at zero. Starts with your first breath, heartbeat, and thought.
As you move through the lifecycle, you are like a kleptomaniac when it comes to things, experiences, thoughts, relationships, content, and a whole lot of "stuff"... Some of that stuff includes drama, negative thoughts, excuses, and physical decay.
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by Dana Cavalea April 27, 2017
Pushing the body past comfortable is where the tracks split between "The Public" and "The Pros"... it is also the reason why PROS can change their bodies in 4 weeks and the public can take 3 months to never to do the same job.
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by Dana Cavalea April 25, 2017