by Dana Cavalea July 01, 2018

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Hey Team-

My speaking schedule has really been filling up lately.. which is awesome..

There is nothing better than helping Companies, Teams, and the individuals that have to go out and compete everyday learn what it takes to WIN...

It is amazing how many parallels exist between sports and business...

Bringing the edge of sports to business has been a true #gamechanger for many of these Companies I have been fortunate enough to speak with..

Last week, during one of my talks, I really emphasized the importance of 3-Words..

Your drivers..

3-Words that will determine your success (outside of brains and talent)...




These words and their definitions will get you out of bed every morning.

These words will keep you moving on the days you feel beat.

They will allow you to remain focused, patient, and convicted...

And, they do not just work in regards to business...

They apply to your health, body, mindset, relationships...

All aspects of your life.

Now, it is up to you to define what each means to you...

Mission = What do you stand for? Your WHY.. Your big picture:______________

Vision= Where do you see yourself? What are you building?_________________

Goals= What are the short-term milestones you will need to hit to achieve your mission and vision?____________________________

Once you can nail these answers down.. you can then breathe them into your subconscious mind.. 

You can start your daily visualization practice and actually see yourself having already achieved this greatness...

Without being CRYSTAL CLEAR here you will lack a clearly defined purpose... and without that purpose (or calling) you will drift, float, and be on the HOPE-TRAIN rather than the path to true success..

You can not build what you can not see...

It all begins in your mind...

You want to be in better shape? Start seeing yourself as lean and vibrant...

You want to be wealthy? Start seeing yourself as such.. change your words to eliminate "broke"...

You want to be the best at something?

See yourself performing that way..

I used to speak with Andy Pettitte about this quite a bit... He would see the pitch he was throwing  and what it would do before he ever threw any pitches...

Basically, he was throwing two pitches for every one actually thrown... One in his mind, One that was real.

Remember, your mission, vision, goals will drive you to where you want to go...

If you are having a hard time getting clear on these.. wait it out... be patient.. 

Remember, Greatness is born in silence.. so if you are having a hard time hearing and feeling what you should be doing.. quiet the noise, get off the screens, and just be... it will come...



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Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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