by Dana Cavalea June 14, 2018

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Hey Team...

Hope you guys are doing great and are ready to take on the day!

I know I am... a little bit of a late start and an atypical morning...

Starting with a massage... 

I have been working on many of my clients lately to reduce stress... so that involves a lot of manual work for me... 

My philosophy is based on your mental stress causing a physical reaction.. usually in the form of pain, or tight muscle tissue... 

If they remain tight.. it then leads to more systematic tension and stress...

But speaking of stress and pressing....

Yesterday, I was speaking with a Corporate Sales Manager of a Silicon Valley Based Company I am going to be speaking at next week... 

I asked, "What are the biggest issues you are facing?"....

He replied with, "After losing a few quarters back to back.. I want my team to realize that failure is a part of the game.. but you can not let it take you down, become permanent, and kill your spirits and mojo to sell."

I could not agree more...

Same as baseball. You can not allow a slump to perpetuate itself! Or.. you are doomed. There goes the season... (and the positive, upbeat headspace of the team).

When you start losing... it can become contagious.. 

Losing can become your new normal...

Your momentum is gone...

You start wondering if you can actually get it done again...

We have all been there..

Scary stuff when you go from a Lion to a Sheep..

You are on the ropes.. battered.. beat... 

But only if you allow yourself to be..

You are what you see yourself as...

You are what you tell yourself you are...

In order to turn that hard charging NEGATIVE TRAIN around.. you must grab a hold of your mental and physical state...

How you feel physically will determine how you feel mentally... and vice versa..

Negative emotions can perpetuate themselves when the bodies physiology is not changed or activated differently..

I want to share with you a few tips to #changeyourgame (immediately)...

1. How you talk to yourself is #1... Coach yourself from the 3rd Person.. "You can do it Dana.. when it comes to sales, when it comes to business, when it comes to showing people how to live the life of their dreams.. YOU ARE THE BEST....You are on a mission to inspire, empower, and help others thrive!

2. Posture matters..Start PECOCK-ING...... When you are confident you stand up tall. You have a certain disposition... one of power, one of strength.. your tone of voice is strong, you stance is strong... Even when you are feeling down... puff up. Pecock yourself..Putting yourself in a great posture will elicit strength to your mental and physical state..

3. Start Your Day with a Pump & Sweat....  How do you feel after you workout? Strong? Powerful? Balanced... When you are feeling down.. or are experiencing moments of feeling "unsuccessful".. activate your body by stimulating your endorphins...Activating your body physically and mentally will instantly change how you feel about yourself... And when you feel good about yourself.. confidence rises.. Get those 40 minutes of Cardio in per day...

4. High Protein, Low Carbs.... Carbs can make you feel tired, sluggish, and just unmotivated for moments at a time when your starch intakes are too high.. Increasing your protein will help with your lean mass...making your body more efficient... Since we are working to overcome stress.. reduce any extra stress on the body...

5. Cold Showers...After you hit your #sweatsesh... and eat a nutritious meal.. hit the showers... a cold, cold shower.. A shower so cold it takes your breath away.. more hormonal release... more changing of your physical and mental state.. a spark, a jump-start...

6. New Clothes...Change... we are looking to create and spark change! Let's do it! New shirts, new pants, new shoes... freshen up your look... get yourself going by changing you internal and external appearance.. Many baseball players do this by altering their uniform.. using a different bat... changing their cleats.. 

7. Daily Plan of Attack... Reverse the order of things... Again, more change.. your routine may have been great.. but what got you here.. won't get you there...change it up. Order a different breakfast or lunch.. rediscover some new likes, dislikes, passions...

8. Get A Haircut...Who does not feel great after a fresh haircut and shave? Nobody that I know... Looking in the mirror after a fresh cut is an amazing feeling... Trim it up, clean it up.. and again.. more change..

9. Get Some SUN Son! Vitamin D- a true gift of the Gods... for those who are living in cold climates.. take a weekend and travel.. for those who bury themselves in the office all day... using florescent bulbs to spark a tan.. get out and get some rays.. Sun can single handedly lift your spirit...

10.  Breakdown Huddle... At the end of every day.. Give yourself some credit... Think about all the positives you accomplished for the day... use this breakdown to create momentum for tomorrow...  

And with all of this... the most important thing to remember is our personal MISSION STATEMENT... Why are we doing this? Why do we want to be successful? What are we looking to achieve? What is the legacy we are looking to build?

Life is about selling yourself.. so if you are not on a sales team.. remember.. you are always going to have to sell yourself in life...

It could be for a tryout, a job interview, a raise, a higher position in the Company, or landing a new deal... and, to land a relationship partner! aka husband or wife...

So get going...

Stop feeling sorry for yourself...

Losing is an addiction.. and the more you do it.. the more you Become a Loser...

And if you are reading this... we do not allow LOSER TALK.. 

We are all about BECOMING CHAMPIONS..






Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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