by Dana Cavalea June 10, 2018


Hey Team...

Summer is finally here...

Great weather...

Pools are open....

Let the festivities begin!

Usually, when the weather is A+, many people get much more motivated!

Let's hope you are one of them... I know that I am...

This all got me thinking... how can we use the change of season to catalyze our own personal health and well-being?

As I am writing this blog for you, I can hear the birds enjoying the day.. I can see the sun coming up... and here it is 5am... and I am ready to go!

So how is the best way to start your day?

With heart-rate elevation via Cardio-Vascular Activity....

I remember when I was coaching with the Yankees...

What did almost every player and every coach to when they arrived at the field?

They threw on their workout clothes and jumped on the treadmills, ellipticals, and bikes depending on the shape of their back and knees....



Get ready for your day....

Heat up your body and your bodies connective tissue..

Create pliability throughout your bodies muscles....

But here is the caveat...

20 minutes of activity is Ok... but you will not get hot enough to feel the difference...

30 minutes is better than 20.... but you still will not get that body hot enough....

40 minutes I have found, in the AM, is the ideal amount of time to get the body prepped for the days activity and hopefully, lifting & stretching session that follows...

Now... long, durational cardio is good to keep your weight in balance... and to get your body warmed-up.. and also get your mindset clear with your daily objectives...

But... slower, continuous cardio will not cut the weight rapidly... 

For that, you must do intervals and feel yourself "losing your breath"... 

We will go over this later in the week... or you can read this blog on TALK TESTING

Starting your day with movement is a daily blessing... and can really change the way you feel....

Especially for those who work at desks... have heavy commutes to work... or travel... or even for those who play sports... 

The body wants to move...

It wants to be heated up and have the blood flowing to improve what we call capillarization of the muscles... allowing for greater oxygen exchange and blood oxygen....

So... as you get ready to #wintheweek...

Let's start by winning each day with a 40 minute bout of cardio to your favorite tunes, tv-shows, or moments of silence/ reflection...


Now get it done. 

p.s... you choose the mode that is best for you... running, ellipting, hiking, cycling...







Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

8 Responses

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you

Abigail Kelly
Abigail Kelly

July 20, 2024

If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; and here is his email; I really can’t thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you


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