by Dana Cavalea June 11, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team...

How many of you deal with stress each day?

Not just a little, but the kind where you feel your concentration breaking, your pressure elevating, and just the feel of being over-anxious?

Well if you do...

You are not alone....

Let me tell you why you are not alone...

In a society that is now virtually 100% accessible.... many of us are always feeling like we are "ON" or plugged in...


Because we are!

And when people are not reaching out to us... we are waiting in-patiently for a text, buzz, ring, or ding to engage us...

When the phone is not going off... we are surfing the internet, or scrolling upwards to check our "feeds"... which we so quickly tell others... "I am looking at the news"...

Engagement is the problem...

Availability is the problem...

Some people, outside of the 5-8 hours per night that they sleep... are plugged in the remainder of the day via their mobile phone or computer screen.. never actually giving the mind a chance to "chill"... and relax...

Very dangerous.

What happens to a radio that is plugged in continuously for years?


Or perhaps, if you were to leave the TV on for years?


Well the same happens with people... but  the feeling of burnout can also be cross referenced with anxiety, insomnia, and other "Stress" Related issues...even elevated blood pressure, higher adrenaline levels, and cardiac episodes/ stroke...

Scary stuff.

So because of all of this... the stress-relief- guru's are advocating for meditation as the new form of holistic Xanax. 

Meditation is seen as a universal solution for all to  conquer their inner demons and accelerated way of life...

But for the person who is running like JUSTIFY each minute of the day, grabbing 10 minutes of silence can seem almost impossible since it is so foreign...

We have trained our brains for engagement, not relaxation.

We have been unable to hear the chirping of the birds or the sounds of the "real world" because we have tuned them out...

Getting yourself back on track though starts by entering the Classroom of Silence...

Taking 10-15 minutes per day to just let yourself BE.

I know this sounds very 1960s hippie.. but the reality is, if we don't choose to take the time, we will be forced to take the time... (not by choice)

Let me tell you 3-Things Mediation Does to Calm You Down...

1. It takes you from a reactive state to a pro-active state...

2. It allows your to hear your intuition, gut, and "real" feelings....

3. It allows you to become more aware of what anxiety and stress are really doing to you... once you are able to feel "relaxation" with greater frequency, feeling and understanding the opposite reaction will become that much easier. Your awareness will be raised....

So, as you are running here and running there... mindlessly surfing the web for real estate, vacation rentals, or Amazon's "deals"... realize that time you are "filling" is really taking your further from where you want to be.... (creative, calm, cool, intuitive)...

I had a mental coach tell me once, "Dana, stop filling all your down-time... just be.. that is where your answers are.."

Amazing advice...

And for those who are not ready to download the app headspace so you can begin your meditation journey, start by walking in the woods, by the water, or being outdoors without your phone...

Or.. just lay on the floor with the lights off... listening to the sounds around you...

And for those in offices... pick your head up.. lean back in your chair, take a few deep breaths... and just look and listen to what is going on around you...

You may see and hear things you have never heard before... some that may even make you change your career path!

Elevate Your Mental Game... or you just may become a HEAD-CASE.



*If you like today's message, please share with anybody you feel can benefit... we are in the business of changing lives and building a winning team!            




Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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