by Dana Cavalea June 10, 2018

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Hey Team!

After all the "stuff" that has been being broadcasted over the past week in regards to "mental health"..

I figured now would be good time to contribute some of my personal strategies to the conversation...

Have you ever had one of those days where you were just so amped up that you had a hard time finding calm?

Maybe you got some news that really got you jazzed....

Maybe it was even news of excitement!

Or.. you just have been spending so much time in your head trying to figure out the solution to your problem that you have yourself in a tail-spin...

Either way... 

The bottom line is...


This being "worked up" state is not an issue if you are not looking to perform...or sleep, or be present, or be there for your family.. (Get my point)....

But for most of us... it is a state we look to avoid at all costs...

Nothing good comes out of it...

Some of your worst decisions will come from this place... and state of mind...

So how do we "snap" you out of it?


Here are 5-Ways to Break Your State!

1.  Tempo Based Breathing--- Taking a 4-Second Breath In, Followed by a 4-Second Hold, Followed by a 4-Second Release.. Do this for 3 Sets of 10-15....

2.  Temperature Change--- Hot Baths, Hot Showers, Both Followed Immediately by Ice Cold Water... to the point that you "gasp".. You can even use a 2 minute Cryo Therapy Hit... or Time in the Steam Room/ Sauna followed by Ice Cold Water....

3. Cranio-Sacral Specific Massage-- Massage the neck, skull, temples.. and surrounding structures of where the spinal column enters the brain can almost immediately de-regulate and down-shift your nervous system... Finding a skilled therapist to keep on stand-by is a very smart decision...

4. Float Therapy-- Founded back in the 1980s.. Float Centers are making their way back.. they can be found in most metro and surrounding areas... designed to create sensory deprivation... meaning your are "turned off"... this is one of the only ways to achieve this result... NBA Champ Steph Curry is an avid user....

5. Reframing-- A Technique I advocate will all the Athletes, CEOs, & Business folk I get to work with... this simply means changing your inputs... as you perceive something as negative or a threat.. simply flip it... "I don't think I can fire that person because they have been with us so long.. but they continue to disrespect leadership....".... reframed as..." I need to move them along so they can grow, and we can grow as a Company.. this move will bring our culture back and strengthen our team..."

Not sure where to start?

Pick one.

Next time you get "amped"... DEPLOY A STRATEGY...

If that does not work... try the next one...

I find when I get really jazzed... I need to deploy a few... but getting somebody else involved like a massage therapist can really help speed things up.... same goes for Cryo since the extreme temperature change can almost immediately change your mindset!

Give these a try!

Share with somebody that may need some "mental re-charging"!

Help them change their game....



Check out the new podcast that goes with today's blog! Click Here.



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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