by Dana Cavalea April 02, 2020

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Hi Team!

This AM I am going to be on the show, Good Morning Kentucky... always a lot of fun.. where I will be introducing my new series of children's books, called Champion Kids.

I wrote these books to help motivate, inspire, and encourage kids to be there best, even when they face difficult situations... 

I have to tell you, the journey writing these books has been a lot of fun and took me back to the nights when I was a kid and my mom would read to me...

It is amazing the impact certain activities and people have on our life...

Do you remember being asked this question:  What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well, I am sure if you are like me this takes you back to when you were just a kid and mom or dad would ask this question...

Maybe it was a teacher that asked or had you do a creative assignment on this..

And for some of you that are home teaching your kids, this could be a fun little activity to do today...

But why am I bringing this up?

Well, for a few reasons...

  1. Life goes really fast...
  2. Many people have forgone their dreams for a paycheck...
  3. Others have zero creative spirit left because it has been beat out of them from overworking, "over-achieving", or because they gave up on themselves...

I find that when the lights go down and things get quiet, in times like now, so many are not seeing the bright-side but only the darkness..

And when you choose to live this way, well, there is nothing good that can come from it....

Today, I encourage you to ask yourself the questions:

Am I happy with the life I have built?

Am I happy with what I am doing?

If I could go back to that question I was asked as a kid, would the answer be "doing what you are doing now?"

These are big questions.... 

These are the questions that help you reset yourself if you need a reset...

Maybe you love what you do, but, you do not love the way you are doing it.

There is more for you... and you know it.

I will tell you this.. there is nothing worse for the human soul than not meeting your full potential...

Deep down you know it and always will...

You know when you are coming up short...

You can feel it deep when you are not working in alignment  and swimming in the opposite directions of your dreams...

Friends, we have such an opportunity here.

Do you know how many business owners I Coach that hate their business? A lot.

For many, this is the excuse they needed to shut down and do what they love.

Do you know how many athletes I work with that no longer enjoy playing?

A lot.

Now is the time to ask the deeper questions to get the right answers...

Do not do things because "you have to"... do them because you "get -to"...


A few months ago I was speaking to my wife's grandmother Nelly...

She is 100.. and will be 101 in September...

She said, " When I look in the mirror, I see a little girl. I do not know who that old lady is in the mirror. Time goes really fast."

That is truth.

So make sure you are making things count by making a difference for others... but making sure you are moving in the direction of your soul and spirit....

Let's GO and make a great day today....

Take some time and think about the big questions...

Your Coach,


*Check out a LIVE video lesson I did on Champion Leadership this week... click here or below..

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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January 13, 2023

I wanted to leave a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. Wishing you the best of luck for all your blogging efforts. Just click our website too.

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