by Dana Cavalea February 17, 2017


I always love this time of year! Baseball is on its way back... America's past time... and a great game that brings friends and families of many generations together!

It is also a great reminder to all that SUMMER is just around the corner... and The Boys of Summer are getting ready to go!


It is February.. players from all parts of the country are arriving to South Florida and Arizona... getting ready to "get in great shape"... through strengthening, conditioning, sleeping, dieting, and training for their respective position!


Here it is.. mid February... we are just a few months away from summer.. a time when we want to feel our absolute best.. from being active, to socializing, to travel... we also need a blast of energy to get us from where we are now.... to the summer.

Let's face it... the nicer it gets outside... the less we want to work!

So here is what I challenge you to do for the next 6 weeks....!

  1. Condition Everyday (in sports it's called conditioning-- in the real world it is called "cardio")... let's commit to at least 20 minutes 5 days per week... At the very least.. lets get 10,000 steps per day...
  2. Weight Train (in sports its called strength training or lifting)... let's commit to 2x per week.. this can even be just pushups and body weight squats for 5 sets of 10 reps each... although heading to the gym is preferred---and using a trainer is even better.. or at the very least taking a class with a weight training focus. 
  3. Eating... (let's cut our carbs from starches- breads, rices, potatoes... and limit them only to the morning... and to a minimum.. 2 or less servings per day).. and add fresh fruit and veggies to every meal...
  4. Sleep... let's make sure we are sleeping at least 7 hours per night.. so we can feel "fresh" to take on our new goals and challenges each day...
  5. SUN.... try to spend some time each day in the sun... if there is no sun in your area... when that sun comes out.. make sure you are doubling your time to make up for the lost days.. spend 10 minutes per day in the sun.. without your phone and enjoy the "joy" that comes from the SUN!

OH YEAH... and since we do better with a TEAMMATE... try to get 1-2 friends or family members to do this with you.. maybe start a blog of your own.. share your experience.. or even a daily Facebook post for accountability!

That is it folks... this is YOUR Spring Training... be consistent... be disciplined... and don't look to far into it... if you want specific recommendations... comment below and I can help navigate you to GREATNESS!

Let's train like Jeter and the Boys... and get ourselves ready for ACTION! #TrainLikeAPro

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

2 Responses

Hannah Barron
Hannah Barron

October 12, 2024

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Dave allen
Dave allen

June 25, 2024

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