by Dana Cavalea March 15, 2021

1 Comment

Hi Team...

Happy Monday...

The start to another GREAT week... (if you do the work :))

I have two requests for you this week...

  1. You must give it your best... no shortcuts, easy way outs, or delays..
  2. You must start something you have wanted to do or have been putting off... today!

Got it?

This is the week we are going to START.

I was reading a quote yesterday that I quickly posted to LinkedIn, along with my Sunday Message that I post there every Sunday.

"A year from now- you will have wished you had begun today."

Is there any statement more true than that?

Think about even the smallest thing you have been putting off.

If you took action a year ago- that would be done OR in motion.

Forget a year, how about a week ago?

There are so many people that have a list of things they want to do or get done- yet, they keep putting it off and never start... 

Let me show you a list of the common ones:

  • Write a Book
  • Start a Business
  • Get Married
  • Travel to ________________.
  • Save X -$
  • Attend X- EVENT
  • Run a Marathon, Tri, and/ or Ironman
  • Lost 10lbs.
  • Begin Eating Healthier to lose X-lbs....

These are just a few of the basics....

But when you keep bringing these "want-to-dos" forward and never actually take action, well, you feel like crap.

You actually let yourself down instead of bringing yourself up.

That is the truth.

Why don't more people take action on what they say they want to do?

Well- truth be told- it comes down to a few reasons:

  • Laziness
  • Lack of a Plan
  • It is Easier to Talk About It vs. Do It (not actually true)
  • They Lack Discipline
  • Poor Habits > Good Habits
  • Taking Action Requires of Change of Behavior that Most Are Not Willing To Make
  • You Have to Show Up Different to Become Something Different
  • Lack of Personal or External Accountability
  • FEAR

Again, these are just a few of the reasons.

But here is the thing... 

If you keep putting these off and you keep talking about them you appear as weak.

You appear as somebody who has no word.

You begin to appear as a somebody that does not have the guts to make a change....

What if I told you though that in taking the actions- you will feel a sense of strength, power, confidence, and self-belief like you have never had before?

I have been coaching physical and mental transformation for much of my life.. 

Over 19 years as a Coach.... (Remember, I started with the Yankees at 19)

There is nothing that can change a persons life results like them taking action on the above....

When you can get a person physically and mentally aligned, connected to goal, and attach that to a personalized plan + the accountability = they can become unstoppable...

That is what I find most need today...

A kick in the butt along with a good plan and accountability coaching....

Most need somebody to just stay on them... and you know what? That is ok.

Let me be that for you today.

Write down that 1-thing you want to do and are GOING to do....


As always, if you need help, I am here for you.

Lets start today because our 2022 self will be very happy that we did.

Let's go win this week- no excuses!

Your Coach,



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


January 07, 2023

Took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also entertained!

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