by Dana Cavalea March 16, 2021

Hi Team...

Have you ever had a big goal that you set for yourself?

If you are like most high achievers- the answer is YES.

Did you hit that goal?

If so- did you hit it in the time you allotted? 

Or, did it take you longer?

Or, did you hit it sooner than you thought you would?

Either way- today I want to speak with you about goals... but more specifically, timelines.

You see, every leadership guru, motivational speaker, and speaker that has ever taken a stage or to a late night tv program talks about goals- yet very few, almost none talk about timelines.

As a Coach, I can not tell you how many individuals I have worked with through the years that are putting a HUGE amount of pressure on themselves- not as a result of their goals, but as a result of the timelines they put to their goals.

Read that again.

Not their goals- the timeline they put to their goals.

We are obsessed with speed today- and we hate the process and the journey.

We want the house, the car, the degree, the weight-loss, the corner office, the marriage, the kids, the new business, the summer house, the acquisition, the private plane- NOW.

We want everything NOW.

There is a lack of willingness to wait it out until it is supposed to happen.

This is validated by the mass amount of debt in the US- and, by how many low interest credit card offers we receive in the mail each day.

The messaging all around us is about speeding up the process.

Hurry up so you can get to your goal.

Get to your desired destination- fast.

But what if that is the root cause of most focus lapses, anxiousness, and taking on too much at one time?

What if we could do less- but be amazing at a schedule that is built for winning now, winning today. A schedule that has a rock-solid process built within it- retrofit for YOU.

A schedule that has the daily action steps that lead to women woven within it...

And,  what if all we had to do was execute that schedule over time and as a result we will get what we want (over time)...

My father would preach to me as a kid about the benefits of delayed gratification..

You see, I too had a habit of getting really frustrated about not getting what I wanted immediately- as if I felt I deserved it because of the (small) effort I put in.

That was simply not the case.

Truth be told I was not ready to receive the things I wanted when I wanted them.

I had some more learning, maturing, and clarity to gain on my own life desires, wants, and needs.

To be honest, I have achieved everything I have ever wanted to achieve- just not on my timeline.

Sometimes sooner- sometimes later. 

But, with daily work, effort, and focus- I have always found a way to win.

I want the same for you.. but to do it without the self-induced pressure.

Instead, I want you to change the pressure for passion.

Attack your journey one day at a time with passion for your daily schedule, daily work, daily efforts, and daily agenda/ objectives.

Do that for enough days and all that you want will sequentially present itself.

Most struggle with this- but this is the only way.

I hate to break it to you.

Stay diligently focused in the forward direction.

Keeps your goals in front of you- but set a vision in front of your goals.

Each day- work the process.

Work it hard.

Work it with passion and I promise you will be doing a lot of winning...

I just can not promise the timeline.

Remember, as my grandmother would say: Patience is a virtue.

Embrace the process.. the rest will take care of itself.

Go out and win today!

Your Coach,


Listen to this weeks podcast on Goals & Timelines. Click Here to Listen.

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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