Hey Team...
Have you ever watched somebody sculpt?
They take a little off here... a little off there...
Then.. once they get the general shape of what they are sculpting...
They get very detailed...
They focus on every little detail....
Seeking perfection in every line...
Every accent....
Well.. what if I told you LIFE was the same way?
In life though.. we decide to sculpt some "things"... and other "things" are sculpted for us based on our decisions or lack there of...
You see, I have always been a fan of working "general" to "specific"...
Focus on your 4-Big Buckets first... (general shaping)
Health, Relationships, Career, Faith....
Get those right...
Then... and only then can you start focusing on the "detailed work"...
I see this in Coaching all the time....
Coaches are focusing on the detailed specifics with those they coach in sports and business... when the teammate has not even mastered the "generalities" or the basic fundamentals....
General ---> Specific = ALWAYS.
As we wrap up the 2018 year...
You are the sculptor of your life...
Your life is the results of the work you choose to do.. or the work you don't do and that which is chosen for you.....
Your decisions shape your life..
They shape your character...
They shape the things around you....
If you want greatness... start sculpting greatness...
** I have just a few Coaching Spots open for those looking to make 2019 their best year yet! Apply here today.
January 26, 2023
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