by Dana Cavalea May 22, 2018


Hey Team...

I wanted to share something with you that I believe will really make an impact.

Yesterday, while I was eating my morning avocado toast with two eggs, I came across a great message from the late, great, Wayne Dyer...

He had a few lessons within the message, but there was one that really stood out.

Don't die with your music still inside you....


What he was referring to was all the people in this world that never actually do what they want to do....

They never even take a hack at what they are passionateabout...

Whether it be owning your own business... opening an ice cream shop on Cape Cod.. .

Coaching your kids little league team... 

Taking that great trip...

Write a blog or book...

Going after that job that may be a bit above your resume level...

Whatever it may be...

Most people never take the chance....

That chance is the music... 

They would rather play it safe than take the jump/ leap... and let the world hear their music...

The hardest thing I have found in life is to not do what you are "feeling" you should do...

I believe that leads to perpetual states of anxiety and depression over time...

That would be like a bird opting to walk and prance around rather than take it to the skies... they know they can fly.. but they are afraid to do it...

Don't let that be you...

Yes.. when you take the jump/ leap it is scary... 

Your whole body may tighten up... but that is living... that accelerated heart rate is a symbol of life....

Take the chance...

Coaching Lesson: Don't worry about what everybody is thinking... or what they will think of you...

It doesn't matter... 

Get comfortable with taking the hits....

Face the chance for rejection head on...

Fail. Lose. 

Those are all parts of playing the game.

It is ok. It will work out.

Those failures will lead you to your wins....

Could you imagine facing the world being fearless because you have failed in so many things that you realize it is not that bad... 

Failure is not that bad....

But you must fail if you want to win...

All the greats in sports, life, and business do...

You can not become a champion if you do not fail.. it is the right of passage....

So, today is YOUR day...

What do you want to do with your day? Your life?

Take the first step today to making your dreams come true...

Take action.

That is what most are afraid of.... 

The first step of a new life. A new journey. 

Today is your day.




*If you like today's message, please share with anybody you feel can benefit... we are in the business of changing lives and building a winning team!     

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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