by Dana Cavalea October 08, 2019

1 Comment

Hey Team!

Congrats to the NY Yankees on a big victory against the Twins last night!

Heading the the ALCS is always a lot of fun....

The competition steps up a notch.....

The energy elevates...

And, as a team, we are one step closer to the World Series....

Now, even if you are not a Yankees fan, you have to tip your cap to how year after year they remain very competitive.....

How does this happen? Luck? Nope.

A process.

A daily regimen.

A strategy.

How can we get our lives to replicate these results?

Yesterday, I spoke to a group of EAGLES as they are called, the highest designation in the Central Turf and Irrigation Organization, given to the top performing sales people.

We talked about the key to success being habits, routines, and a daily regimen.

I told them, "When it comes to the greatest performers that I have ever worked with, they are extremely boring. Monotonous. They do, eat, and often say the same things everyday.  This is what allows their success to be predictable".....

Now, we have to do the same for you.

There are 3-Categories I love to focus on when building out a routine.....

✅Strengthening the Body.

Condition it. Stretch it. Move it. Lift it. Got it?

You must make sure you are doing something to challenge your physical being.

I do not care how "big" or out of shape you are today. It does not matter. You must get moving even in the most simple of ways. Reach down and touch your toes 10x... that is the start... Go for a walk for 10 minutes. That is the start. Run in place for 60 seconds... that is the start. Got me? You must start. You must factor in your physical body if you want to have long term confidence and success.

✅Empowering the Mind.

Feed it Positive. Believe in Yourself. Guard the Gates of Your Mind. Reframe negative thoughts into positive, can-do, empowering mantras.

You decide how you think, what you think, and what you feel as a result of those thoughts.

Stress and anxiety is simple working to far out in the future in a negative state of mind. A fear driven state of mind.

Each day, it can even be during your strengthening session, feed you mind with powerful mantras: I CAN, I WILL, NOBODY CAN STOP ME, I HAVE THE POWER...

Those sound cliche' but the brain is old... and you can trick it by taking advantage of the brains neuroplasticity... that allows for change to happen by simple re-wiring.

✅Fueling the Machine

If you eat like crap = you feel like crap.

When you do not feel good, your chances of winning go way down. Look at your fueling as a way to power your engine. Nothing more.

Yes, is food pleasurable? But, when we look at it like that, it usually results in a gut. So, look at everything you eat with purpose.

It either has a positive or negative yield.

Now, does that mean you can never eat anything with a negative yield?

Nope. It just means to pick your spots. And, make sure your positive yield is far greater. 

Also, when you select your food, make sure you are having positive reactions.

There are times we eat healthy foods.. but due to our own sensitivities, we have a negative reaction. 

Once we get these firing, the rest it small details. Every single day we must check these boxes... that creates our regimen and process....

Does this make sense?


Keep it simple friends.

Build the routine around the 3-drivers above... 

Then, work the routine.

It will change your life... and most importantly ALL of your results.

I promise.

If you need help... reach out.

Your Coach, 


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


January 24, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!
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