by Dana Cavalea October 07, 2019

1 Comment

Hey Team...

Happy Monday!

We are back at it!

I am excited... 

This AM I get to speak to a group of high performance sales leaders in Tarrytown, NY!

I love sales people because they remind me of my athletes...

Excited. Hungry. Passionate. High Expectations. 

That is what I wanted to write to you about today.... Expectations. 


You see, most of the individuals I am fortunate to work with fall into 2-categories:

1. Already UBER successful......

2.Working to be UBER successful by their own definition of success....

These people desire to be great at everything they put their hands on....

They desire to be the top 1% in the place in which they work or lead....

They don't just expect if from themselves... they demand it.

And, they will do whatever it takes (within reason) to get there...

Sound familiar?

They are not afraid to address their shortcomings, put in the extra hours, and sacrifice heavily to get their objectives met....

Although these are great attributes, many though suffer from what I call:

High Performance Syndrome.

Defined as: High Performance Syndrome is a syndrome that plagues many high performers. It is a set of expectations that are so high, the energy needed to meet these expectations can leave them feeling burnout, exhausted, and passionless over time. 

Another symptom of High Performance Syndrome is heavily sacrificing personal relationships, romantic relationships, and any other "fun" activities that may get "in the way" of achieving goal (s).....

Finally, these people often suffer from the feelings of:

1. Not ready....

2. Not good enough...

3. When I get to this point (financial, title, status)... then I can do X,Y,Z.....

The issue is, that time never comes.


Well, this group also does not recognize their achievements.

They keep pounding away... hitting milestone after milestone, but they never take the time to realize or acknowledge how far they have actually come....

They have blown through those milestones of "when I get to this point, I will be ready".. and instead of engaging in the activities they said they would... they instead elevate their BAR, and begin chasing the next thing....

You see, High Performance Syndrome is really Achievers Syndrome.

Always chasing....

Always in the process...

Always working to "become"...

But, never actually really living stress-free, without angst, and without the feeling of being chased by a LION.

This group will run through walls....

They are amazing people...

They are incredible do-ers and task masters....

But, they can never truly put their hair down and be at total peace... since this often times is not one of their true objectives.. since their goals take precedent over all of that "mindfulness" mambo jombo....

My warning is this: Take the time while you can choose to, or, the choice will be made for you.

High Performance Syndrome is real... and, it will left you feeling burnt out, truly inadequate, and energy-less if you do not build in time each day/ week to come OUT of the High Performance Vortex....

Take the time...

Appreciate life...

Deep breath....

Your Coach,


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


January 24, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!
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