by Dana Cavalea December 02, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team- 

Well... we made it.

The last month of 2018.

How did everything go?

Are you happy with your accomplishments in 2018?

Do you remember them?

Well.. that brings us to today....

I wanted to share a short story with you... because I think it is relevant here...

This past year... I completed my first year of marriage... and rather than go to Hallmark and buy a card.. I decided to make my own... and on the inside of the card.. I made a list...

It was titled: YEAR 1 WINS....

I know.. "Come on Coach-- it's an Anniversary Card..are you serious?"...

I am. Very serious.

And here is why I did it...

If I didn't take 20-30 minutes to write the card... and reflect on all of our Wins and Positive Transitions as a couple... then.. I wouldn't of remembered all of our great moments of the year....

Those great moments are momentum builders...

And.. they are great reminders that we are moving forward... growing.. building... elevating... 

All key features to growth as people, as couples, as professionals, as leaders...

So... here we go... we are about to get really serious about 2019... by CELEBRATING 2018 at the start of December...


Here is today's exercise:

  • Take out a piece of paper ( I like to use index cards)... and write 2018 WINS on the Top.

  • On the left side of the card, I want you to write the numbers in a vertical progression of 1 to 10.....

  • Now... Write down all the Wins for the Year... Big and Small... Small and Big....

  • After you complete the list... write down how you feel about your WINS...

  • And.. since you are feeling really good.. Turn the Paper or Index Card Around...and write down 3-Things You Would Like to Accomplish in 2019... and next to each of them... write down 1-KEY Daily Action Step You Would NEED TO TAKE to achieve that...


I am really serious about this...

It works...

And, this exercise will set you up for success, victory, and excitement here in the last month of 2018... and be the catalyst for your 2019, roaring start!

Now... together, let's commit to finishing strong, and starting with thunder!


*If you want me to do a complimentary intro conference with your Team, Organization, or Company, message me today!
I have a few spots open for December! 


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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