by Dana Cavalea December 03, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team...

I hope you enjoyed yesterday's exerciseon how to power your way into 2019!

Now.. it is time to talk about how to actually make things happen...

The best way to TAKE ACTION.

The best way to Change Your Habits from Negative to Positive...

Or from kinda working... to working!

I was on a Coaching Call yesterday with one of my clients who was on a lifestyle retreat... taking a few days to unplug...

We were speaking about the plan when he arrives home...

If you do not have a daily plan and engagement strategy for health optimization.. you will keep doing what you have always done!

I really wanted him to hit the ground running...

But.. I explained how we do it... and it was  very simple.

Modify 1-HABIT at a time....

Just "1"...

What do I mean...

Well.. let's talk Health and Fitness for a minute...

Most people think you have to start working out... and reforming your entire diet at the same time....



Focus. Will Power. Greater Desire to Quit when too much change happens at once....

So.. how do I do it with my Coaching Clients and Athletes?

Simple. We start very simply....

A daily morning routine + adding more fluid (Water) in most cases to their day...

That is it.

Then.. it is their job to check those 2 boxes every, single, day. 

Then.. and only then are they ready for more. They must show proficiency in their ability to execute with consistency...

That is the only way the plan works...

Then.. each month, we add a little bit more... both exercise.. and positive nutrition... I never subtract.. EVER.

When you take things away from people.. they want it more...

When you add quality nutrients and movement and a solid plan/ coaching to peoples lives... they subtract for themselves.. naturally...

That is how you do it...

So.. What is The Biggest Mistake you can make?

Making Drastic Changes all at once...

It works short term.. but most of the time it leads to consistent failures...

This is why diets don't work...

This is why 90-day workout programs that promise X,Y, & Z don't work...

Lifestyle and Health Modification involves never putting the body and/or mind in  state of deprivation and "lack"... 

That it...

So add positives... the negatives will subtract themselves!


If you are looking for personalized coaching... apply today! Click Here.


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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