by Dana Cavalea September 27, 2018


Hey Team-

Many of you may have been hearing about Cryotherapy lately... 

A new revenue generator for many gyms ...

A "different" method of healing...

Blanket statements of recovery, energy, hormone balancing, improved tone, and vitality...

Once claim short of being able to grow amputee limbs back...

I am speaking boldly on this because although there are some uses for Cryo, it is often-times oversold. 

Here is the WHY...

1. Pressure and Compression are the fastest ways to decrease acute inflammation, while cold soaking is right behind it....topical chilling without pressure and compression would be the same as claiming if you have knee swelling, you could sit outside on a cold winter day and the inflammation would dissipate. 

Research published found men who underwent cold-water immersion at 8C for 10 minutes saw greater drops in tissue temperatures and bloodflow than those who did whole body cryotherapy at -110C for two minutes.

2. Claiming that skin clarity will improve as a result is lacking scientific validation... as most living in the cold north during the winter.. often claim of dried skin and cracking rather than vibrance.. (use common sense)- in fact redness and irritation is far more common.

3. Exposure to cold temperature has been shown to actually induce negative reactions to those suffering from certain medical conditions, particularly those which effect the nervous system, as well as responsible for causing increased muscular tightness and stiffness.

4. COST. This technique is cost prohibitive and is not sustainable for consistent usage for most people. Costs of $45-80 per session for a 2 minute treatment is just not practical, therefore, making this an inconsistent therapy for healing and daily recovery. 

The final dagger though of this treatment is for those dealing with higher levels of stress. Those who suffer from daily stress and anxiety at levels that leave their heart rate at a naturally higher level. 

Ex. If you study a persons heart rate variability and find a person running "high".. illustrative of higher fatigue, neurological stress, and overall systematic stress elevation... 

Exposure to extreme cold can take the body over the edge. Heat, massage, and relaxation therapy is a much better and safer protocol. 

Now this blog is not meant to trash Cryo.. but to show that it is not an end all be all... and.. it is not for all... especially those who need a daily recovery regimen and those dealing with excessive stress...

I have found Cryo treatments of 60-90 seconds to work really well for those dealing with levels of depression, repetitive negative patterns, and to spike energy acutely. 

But I want to share this... 

1. You can take a cold shower or an ice bath and get more out of it for healing ,recovery, and energy spiking....

2. You can use an ice pack or a tub of ice water to soak an injured limb and it will be much more effective than Cryo...

Look at Cryo as a new age "ice" blower or human freezer... more of a status symbol, something to tell your friends about.. but not something you will do multiple days per week to induce "healing" of a swollen limb...

And realize this.. if you are using an Ice Chamber to reduce inflammation that is not associated with injury... you must realize this... YOU ARE MISSING THE MAJOR CAUSE OF  YOUR INFLAMMATION...


Happy to discuss!



Click here to see my video on Cryotherapy..

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

2 Responses

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