by Dana Cavalea November 11, 2018

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Hey Team! 

It's Monday... time to fire it up this week!

This weekend was a lot of traveling for me... 

I left on Thursday Morning for Burlington, VT.. had a great talk/ book signing event...

For those that have not been to Burlington... it is a very cool city.. very hipster... with great food, great coffee, and a lot to see!

Friday was an off-day in the morning... (outside of a great workout)... then it was off to Saratoga Springs for the night.... 

AM Workout on Saturday... then off to a book event/ talk in Troy, NY....

So, this means a lot of traveling and a lot of abuse on the body... 

For those who travel.. you know what I mean....

So those morning workouts and stretch sessions become that much more important....

When I arrived in Troy, NY... I met a really great couple... young, ambitious... getting married next summer... and both hold leadership positions in their current careers... construction and health-care... 

The one question I got several times over this trip as this:

What makes the best the best?


I always answer with the same response: The Best Check-The-Boxes Every Day!


What boxes?

The boxes that make up their routine... the boxes that when checked each and every day, more their personal needle forward...

The needle moves slowly and consistently... but it moves...

The best performers in the World know exactly what boxes they need to check in order to get a result....

What does this mean? It means... average and below average performers can not be consistent. They do one thing on Monday, a different thing on Tuesday, something else on Wednesday...

You get the point..

They float like the wind...

There is no daily consistency to their routine... and that is sad...because it does not mean they do not want to be great at what they do...

It just means, they are hurting their chances...

The best players I ever worked with, The Jeter-types.. basically lived Groundhogs Day over and over again....

They did not need variety...

They did not need to "spice it up"...

The just needed to do what worked for them.... (not for anybody else..but for them).....


Check the box.

My challenge to you is simple....

Pick one thing you believe will move your needle forward this week... and do it for just 7-days in a row....

Example: Want to lose weight? GO to the gym, do 45 minutes of cardio 7-days in a row.... email me and tell me how you feel.. 

That is it. It does not have to be working out... it can be reading for 30 minutes, it can be not eating starch based carbs for a week.... whatever... I really do not care...

But.. show me consistency...

Most importantly.. show yourself consistency...

Check the box!



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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