by Dana Cavalea November 19, 2018

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Hey Team!

I was thinking of you this morning as I was attacking my morning cardio....

Each day, I check the cardio box....

Nothing works better for me than taking 45 minutes to focus on my cardiovascular exercise.. Monday-Friday... 

It keeps me focused... committed... and most importantly... healthy...

And this morning... as I was watching others train... I saw so many holding their breath.. no breathing... and not really getting the full benefits of a morning sweat sesh....

So.. I wanted to make sure that does not happen to you....

So... here is a simple reminder:

When you do your cardio (pick your machine).. rather than focusing on your legs and arms... focus on your breathing...

Long deep breathes in.... slow and controlled deep breathes out..... 

And.. to get even more out of it.. think of your breath as a SHIFTER of your HEART RATE....

Meaning... the better you can control your breath (long, deep, slow)... even while working hard... you should be able to use your breath to slow and control your heart rate...


Now.. this goes against typical interval training... but I am more concerned in this post with teaching you the relationship between your  BREATHING and your HEART-RATE... 

When your heart rate is highly elevated... what happens? You feel almost dizzy and totally exerted in a potentially negative way.... so we want to control our heart rate by downshifting our breathing...

SHORT, HARD BREATHING = Heart Rate Will Elevate Aggressively

LONG, SLOW BREATHING = Heart Rate Will Elevate Steadily....

Simple... this even works when you are walking up steps...up hills, hiking, climbing, running, rowing... you name it.....

Use your breathing as a shifter....

You will become much more efficient and economical in all you do..

AND- You will feel more alive because you are training your breathing muscles to make your system more relaxed and oxygenated....

BREATHE my friends!


If you are looking for customized cardio routines, Click Here.

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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