by Dana Cavalea May 07, 2018

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Hey Team-

What a great morning here in New York!

Up early and ready to go!

I am in the process of editing my upcoming book, Becoming a Champion in Sports, Business & Life...

What an undertaking!

Lot's of time looking at a blank screen... wondering how I am going to write 30,000 words.... 

But through the support of friends like Kevin Wilson and Brandon Steiner... I got it done!

Now.. I am in the editing phase... adding stories... subtracting stories... and making sure the lessons are strong and tight!

One of those lessons comes from one of my clients....

A Finance Titan....

Who told me whenever you see a Bully... NEVER RUN....

Always stand up to them and be the first to strike them!

Knock the Bully Down!

Now.. my book is not one of violence... but the lesson here is simple: Whenever you face a bully in life (either a person, thought, or resistance coming from yourself)... stand up to that bully... never turn your back... never run... face your fear...


Once you face your Bully.....

You then have a chance to calm the Bully down so you can be in a position to win...a position of strength...

The Bully is really a metaphor for fear....

A metaphor for "the things that stop us in our tracks"...

But once we tame the Bully... we now own that S.O.B.....

So, as we head into this week...


Write them down...

Get to know them...

Face them..

Be honest with yourself...

It is OK to have Bullies... we all do...

But very few of us step up to them and knock them down...

So do as my friend Pablo does.... Kick their butt!

Face the Bullies and see how FREE you feel....

I will keep you updated on the book.... 

I am very proud of it because it is not only a summation of my life... but an introduction to the people and lessons that have helped me through both good and bad....

Let's WIN together!


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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