by Dana Cavalea February 05, 2019

1 Comment

Hey Team!

It's Tuesday and I am fired up... ready to go!

Lately, my wake up time naturally has been about 4:30am...

Typical of many Coaches... get the sleep in.. then start planning the day!

But, there was a period of time a few years ago.. when all I wanted to do was stay in bed and rest in the morning...

I was not that excited to attack the day...

I was not as planned as I wanted to be...

And.. as much as I hate to admit it.. I just was not that excited about anything at the time...

Now, I still did my daily workouts, still did my stretching, still did my reading.. but I was not connecting to anything bigger than that...

It was like for the first time in my life.. I felt a bit "stuck"...

So, what did I do? How did I get out of it?

Well.. you are reading it today!

I started my blog!

You see, I was spending so much time thinking about "myself"... that the blog was a way for me to start connecting... to start helping.. to start motivating, inspiring, and encouraging others to find their greatness..

From the day I started over 3 years ago till today.. 

WOW. What a ride... 

Some really great people have signed up for the blog from Professional Athletes & Coaches, to Musicians, Business Leaders... Wall Street Titans.. and just a whole lot of great people looking for an edge in life...


And that brings me to today's point...

I was living a very Retired life before I started..

More so because I was actually just "tired"....

But now, I traded in the Retired stamp for RE-FIRED stamp...

And so can you!

If you are feeling like I did years ago... 

#1: Start Smallwith a project that will take the attention off of you and will focus on "helping" others....

#2: Create Momentumwith it... once you start that project.. attack a little bit each day.. and expect "not so big" returns early on.. but stick with it...

#3: Believe in Yourself even when you don't! That is the key.. we all go through different seasons..some are great... and some just flat out suck.. keep moving your feet... keep going!

#4: Take ACTIONevery day... do not spend your day "thinking".. spend your day ACTING... that action will take you places you have not yet seen or dreamed of... keep moving your feet!

#5: Focus on Your Message rather than your returns.... help people and in turn, you will be helped.. .again.. it may not be on your time tables.. it may  not be the way you thought it would be... but your life will get better the more you do.. and the more you help... and the more you take advantage of the momentum you are creating...

As somebody who has "been there".. on both sides.. I am telling you .. You will not regret the actions that you take.. 

Take action on something today...

Never feel bad for yourself.. cure yourself by "moving your feet"...

It all works out when you work- out... outside of yourself... and literally get yourself moving!

Let's GO!


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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