by Dana Cavalea February 02, 2017

1 Comment

How many of you are constantly reading books or articles on how to achieve "something".... most likely "success"?

If you are not reading, possibly you are watching. Or.. when checking out at the food store.. you see a powerful magazine cover highlighting the story of somebody you "envy" or "wish" you could be like?

In some way.. we have all been there. That sense of wonder that falls upon us of "how did they do it?" or even "what am I not doing" could even take over your thoughts.

The reality is this.. the only difference between that person and you is they had a vision, saw themselves doing it, and then did it/ became their vision. They activated the genius that sits within them.

I firmly believe that success is within everybody as long as they can get out of their own way. Success is what you define as success for yourself. Nobody can define that for you, gauge that for you, or tell you how to measure it.

Some people use money as a measuring stick, others use how they feel about themselves, some use how many properties they own, and the most humble of all use the "success" of their kids to define their "success"...

The key is breaking down your own barriers/ walls... feelings and thoughts of "not being good enough", " I didn't come from a rich family", " I don't have the talent"... and down right "Defensiveness"..

When I was a kid, all I wanted to do was play for the New York Yankees. I loved them. I ran in the winter snow, hit outside on days it was below zero, and did whatever it would take to get there.

There was only 1-Problem.

I did not have the talent needed to compete at that level... but I saw a guy when I was in 8th grade stretching players before a game.. and to this day, I have that picture "frozen" in my memory.

I was fascinated by that job. Fascinated that this guy was basically a "player" without playing. (who would of thought only 5 years later I would be this guys Assistant!)

He got to travel, workout with, and coach the actual players. So cool! Well... never forgetting that, focusing on that picture of a guy I didn't even know.. led me to the decision of where I would go to college, what I would major in, and what my path would be.

I was GOING TO BE... The Strength Coach of the NY Yankees... no matter what it took. I was prepared for battle. I was laser focused on what I would do, who I would become, and exactly what that would like. I had learned at a young age to ACTIVATE my Genius. Some may also say activating faith- which is along the same lines. I knew this would not be easy... but at 19 years old.. I was working for this wonderful Organization!

I realized from that point... if you want to achieve anything.. you must "SEE IT" as if it is real... and believe in what you see. Embed this in your memory, your subconscious, talk about it, tell others about it, and align yourself accordingly- position yourself accordingly and even your physiology will start to change.

When your thoughts and actions align.. it is amazing because it is not a pressure, but a motivator. You will feel a push and a pull happening at the same time... amazing!

This process will give you endless energy to pursue your goal- they key is keeping it close to your heart everyday.... and truly BELIEVING THAT YOU CAN! #TrainLikeAPro 


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

1 Response


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