Have you guys ever walked around and really studied how people look physically?
By physically, I mean how many people do you see walking with great posture, a clean gait, and an optimal shoulder width to waist ratio?
I will tell you this.. the numbers are getting less and less.
One of my favorite things to do, although a bit lame, is to watch people walk in public settings.. (people watching if you will)..
What I have been greeted with more and more has been watching folks over 40 with a crumbling muscular/ bone structure.. lacking alignment..
Now hear me out..
Just look around and you will see:
This is the classic adult these days.. and we are even seeing it more with kids as well.. (ipad posture)..
I was speaking with a cousin of mine the other night..
He recently (8 months ago) received rotator cuff and labrum surgery.. now has a clean MRI and is suffering from shoulder pain still..
So what I gave him was as series of ITYW shoulder exercises to retrain his shoulder to sit DOWN AND BACK.. (video)
The lesson here is this.. prior to surgery he had a bad posture or what we call a postural distortion pattern.. and then he "needed" surgery to combat the pain..(so the doc said)
Well after surgery that pattern was still there.. (forward shoulders and a dropped shoulder)...so the pain was making it's way back..
Surgery is sometimes a needed option.. but what I have found, based on what I SEE in people.. is that most of their daily pain and discomfort comes from a faltered posture..
Their pain comes from a "broken" structure as it relates to alignment, muscular tonality, muscular strength, and an aging underused or overused body.. that is often times left uncared for with weekly training and massage..
I wanted to share this blog with you to get you thinking about how you are walking, sitting, standing... asking yourself if you are in a position of FUNCTIONAL ALIGNMENT...
This will lead you to a more pain-free life, with a lower predisposition to acute injury and pain!