by Dana Cavalea October 31, 2017



Reality: We are all getting older.. 

False Reality: When we age we "slow down" because our metabolism slows down and we lose muscle mass.

I have always love the quote from Norman Vincent Peale that says, "You Become

What You Think About All Day Long.."

Now I must admit, for a guy in his mid-30's, most of the people I hang with and work with on a day to day basis are over 50.. 

That should either make me feel really good about myself.. or.. the guys I am working with are really smart for keeping young blood around them..

This keeps the conversation young, hip, and cool.. 

Leading to an aging pattern that is one of vibrance and youthful spirit.. rather than one of you typical 1980s South Florida Retirement Community.. like Del Boca Vista.. where daily shuffleboard games and canasta games are the most competitive and active part of the residents day..

Times have changed.

The stereotype of "getting older" and what happens to you has also changed..


We are living longer.. and desiring to not only live longer.. but to thrive longer.

We want to be as active at 80 as we were at 40.. that is not only fair.. but possible.

Now how to we do it.. 

My grandfather would always say, "If you think you are old.. you will be. If you think you are young.. you will act young and do young person things".. 

I totally agree. 

Part1.. is thinking young!

Part 2.. is the actual training. Train to make sure your bone density and muscle contractile strength is still strong. If those two things are there.. along with an aligned posture... you are headed to the promised land of health and physical prosperity as you age.. 

We must lift weights as we age.. not just 5lbs either.. 

We need to lift weights that are progressively more challenging after each session..

We need to train our body to the point where we feel muscular dilation and that physical "wall" we need to break through in order to get the next rep in..

When it is time to weight train.. you must challenge yourself.. 

Then.. and only then will the muscle grow..

How do you train? To the point of comfort or do you allow the muscle to pump to its maximal point?

If you are afraid of getting to big.. forget it.. not gonna happen! 

The benefits of strength training 3-4x/ week as you age are:

  1. Increased Metabolic Rate
  2. Improved Hormonal Secretion
  3. Improved Bone and Tendon Strength
  4. Decreased Levels of Stress

Sounds good to me!

So give it a try.. and let's keep this conversation going about strength training over 50.. 

Set some new goals and benchmarks.. 

And most importantly.. REDEFINE AGING..

#theycallmecoach #buildingchampions

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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