by Dana Cavalea March 12, 2018


Hey Team..

Hope everybody is feeling good, revved up, and ready to go this week!

I know I am!

Starting my day with a great workout, a hot cup of Joe, and some time to communicate with the "team"....

Habits. This is my daily plan and I make sure to stick with it...

Speaking of habits, I was listening to Coach Nick Saban, the National Champion Alabama Football Coach speak last week, and what he said really struck me.

"Everybody wants to know about our coaching system, the plays we run, and our process.. but our winning comes down to one work; discipline."

Wow. Habits.  Discipline.. hmmm...

I definitely agree.

You can have the greatest ideas and visions for yourself.. but if you are not completely, 100% dialed into your commitment and discipline to the actions necessary to achieve "anything".. you are cooked before you start.

How about that diet you have been meaning to start?

Or.. what about that workout class you are supposed to be attending 2-3x per week?

Perhaps that morning routine of cardio, stretching, deep breathing... 

Maybe it is just writing your to-do list the night before so you can have higher performance the next day..

Whatever it is, if you are not achieving, it is simply due to your lack of commitment and discipline to the process needed to win.

I have found personally, it is very easy to waste time. 

If I create a list and a schedule of "key" movers, or power-playsas I like to call them, my productivity goes way up. And, over the course of the week, month, and year.. I got a ton of stuff done.

If I just float, dabble, and half commit... I get minimal done and feel like a failure..

It is all about discipline to your goals.

Discipline to the "uncomfortable" things you have to do that will move your closer to your goals.

Daily execution of your "power-plays" (key items on the to-do list that really move the needle, as opposed to busy work).. and getting them done with conviction..

That is what winners do.

And..once they have done what needs to get done, then they rest.

They relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor...

Anyway, I gotta get working on the last two chapters of my upcoming book, Becoming A Champion... my daily power-play!

Let's go.. take action.. make some magic happen for yourself.. 



Click below to hear my podcast, Becoming A Champion, on the importance of discipline!



30/ 30's

*On treadmill, track, or football field, Run hard for 30 seconds (just below a sprint), then walk for 30 seconds.

Repeat 10-20 times depending on your conditioning level.

If you are on a treadmill, each time you do this, work to increase speed during "work", which will allow your total distance to elevate each time you train. And, speed elevations can be 1-2 mph each time, nothing drastic.

I recommend doing this 3-4 times per week.. Easy. Fun. It works. = WIN.

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

3 Responses


February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!


February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

Ted Soulopulos
Ted Soulopulos

April 05, 2018

Coach Cavalea,
Discipline was my number one characteristic to instill in my football player, at any age. With discipline,
Comes organization, scheduling, agenda, diet, commitment to program. I’ve been through it and most grab and team unites…. that’s gratifying for a coach and team. They all grow and develop together. Thanks Coach! Keep posting !

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