by Dana Cavalea August 20, 2019


Hey Team...

Yesterday, I spent the day working with one of my Collegiate Baseball Players..

Getting him ready before he leaves for school at the end of the week...

He is a really hard working kid, does all the little things, and now it comes down to him getting it done on the field....

As part of our workout yesterday, we spent about 2hrs. with former MLB Manager, Bobby Valentine.

He threw batting practice, hit ground balls, and most importantly lectured us on the game of baseball and how to play it at the highest level...

Through the years, Bobby has become a good friend and does a ton for not only young players, but those in business as well. 

As he was hitting balls to our young phenom, I asked him, "Bobby, what is the one thing that will hold this kid back from making it to the Big Leagues?"...

He answered, "Confidence. If he doesn't quit on himself, and most importantly if he doesn't worry what other people think of him and trying to look good- he will be alright."

Then, he began hitting.

Simple genius.

What makes Bobby so grounding as a Manager is that he gets people.

He understands that the World is complex.

Business models are now complex.

Sports is now becoming more complex.

But, to get the most out of people, we must keep it simple.

At our core, we are very simple.

We want to feel happy, confident, secure, and that we are moving in the right direction-- or doing things "right"....

At times, we lack trust in ourselves, our situations, our environments-- and it is in those moments that we need a Coach or an outside voice to keep us upbeat and strong... until our own voice can kick in again...

And that is OK.

It is hard to do it alone at all times.

You are not weaker for seeking counsel.

In fact, you are stronger.

I always mention Athletes because I spend so much time around them-- and they are really low ego people, contrary to what others think.

They are always seeking counsel from Professional Coaches.

They are always looking for a leader to give them feedback on their game.

They don't take it personal-- they realize it is a critical step to getting better.

It is critical in order to gain unwavering confidence.

Self-belief is an amazing thing.

But sometimes it does slip for a moment.

My advice to you is simple: Start Building Your Team.

Build a Team of trusted Coaches and Advisors that can keep you even and keep you moving forward towards your mission, vision, and goals.

If you lead people, be a person they want on their personal Board of Directors.

It is amazing when you have people around you that can shoot you straight.

When you do, the results will be there because you will know the actions you need to take to better yourself and your performance. 

Confidence wins.

Keep yours up.

Keep the confidence of those around you up.

I always say that is the Power of Coaching.

Finally, I will leave you with this:

If you are spending your time looking good for others, building something to impress others, and losing focus on who you are and your journey, you will never feel grounded.

You will have half confidence-- half that is true to you-- and the other half will always be seeking the approval and validation of others.

That stops now.

Go after what you want-- and get the team around you to help you do it.

Let's GO!


**If you are looking for a Personal Coach, click here to learn more about The Power of Coaching.


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

2 Responses


January 24, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!
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August 20, 2019

Have not had the chance to meet Bobby Valentine but have heard that about him… Really appreciate this blog as it fits the bill like it was called for. Just talked to my wife about this yesterday and will be building a team of people that are reliable and can be trusted. The world continues to go around and time is the most valuable asset that was given to us.

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