by Dana Cavalea February 04, 2018


So... on a cold Super Bowl Sunday in NY.. 

After a little pre-game cardio...

I decided to do a little "mental training/ enrichment" for myself..

One of my favorite days to do this is Sunday..

My speaker of choice today was none other than the infamous Tony Robbins..

Raise Your Standards...

Why is it that so many people are determined to Win.. and others just take a liaise fare attitude towards life and things?

They know they have 10lbs to lose.. but never do..

That 10 eventually becomes 20.. and years later.. they are still left with the weight.. and have lost several years picking a start date...

Or that gluten based diet you have been thriving on for years!

Why is it that some people "lose their way".. and can't get back on track?

Standards & Musts.

What is the standard you hold your self to? 

What do you have a sense of "I MUST DO"..?

Rather than.. the That would be nice to do?

As a Coach.. I listen to people all day flood my ears with their self-driven, self-created excuses..

Now these excuses come in many different packages.. some are amazingly believable.. but still BS.. and some.. well you can tell the creator doesn't even believe their own BS..

I truly believe in combination with not being TRULY COMMITTED.. the natural human response is cover our own ass.. make the excuse.. believe the excuse.. and make that our new reality.. until something "real" truly gives you the finishing blow.. 

But if you redefine your MUST DO's.. now getting the weight off is no issues.. Example.. My son or daughter is getting married.. I can not look like the worst version of myself in the photos.. BOOM.. weight loss magic..

Action is taken. Trainers are hired. Carbs and Gluten are history.. and the results are magically there..

What do you accept?

What you accept physically is what you become...

What you accept in any aspect of your life is what you become...

No matter where you are at in your life.. take out a piece of paper.. and write out your goals.. based on where you are TODAY.. 

If you have made it financially.. what else drives you? Legacy?

If you have let  yourself go physically... make getting in shape first-place and you will see other outcomes around you change with every pound you lose and muscle you sculpt...

Get focused on the MUST-DOs.. the human mind is amazing.. 

Like a guided missile.. what you focus on is what you will hit..


If you are not happy with yourself.. ACT.

Execute the day of consistent behavior at a time..

Stop listening to your own excuses..

On the other side is victory.


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

3 Responses


July 27, 2023

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February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

Jen Janz
Jen Janz

February 05, 2018

Great stuff!

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