by Dana Cavalea January 04, 2019

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Hey Team- 

***Check out Good Morning America this AM! at 8:30! My new book, Habits of a Champion will be making its TV Debut!


Today's blog goes out to all the type A, hard-charging, high achievers out there..

You know.. the over-compensators...

The group that never rests...

The "get it done" crowd...

The "winners"...

You know who I am talking about ...

And.. if you are following this blog, the chances are pretty good, you are one of these people!

I know I am... and I wanted to share something with you... 

You know, my whole life I have spent chasing things... 

Whether it be positions, people, or my own dreams and wonders...

And I gotta tell you...

It is freakin exhausting...

It is really fun to achieve and win... but as I go through the journey.. that question that surfaces is: At what cost?

At what cost is the winning taking place....

I mean, once you have the essentials: great family, home, car, a few nice trips per year.. what else is there?

And that is really where this story begins... 

In "chasing"... it often leaves us tired, fatigued, depleted...and really just "passion-less"...

I went through this phase a few years ago... just going through the motions.. not really feeling the "juice"....

And.. even now, at times, when I do not work in a balanced manner, I get knocked down... my knocked down shows itself in feeling short and snippy, anxious, and really just not thinking clear....

How does it show itself for you?

Are you aware that this negative place is even happening to you?

So, I want to make a pact: Give Up Control & Surrender....


Are you nuts Coach?

"I am a leader.. a leader can not give up control"....


You can give up trying to control all the things you can not control but think you can...

Focus on the controllable things.. and also leave space in your life for Magic to happen..

Don't plan and schedule every ounce of your day and life...
Schedule 75% and let the other 25% be a space for magic... 

You know.. space for those things we can not believe happen because we have nothing to do with them happening!

Take your foot off the gas a few times per day and just be in the moment...

Give up the control...

Because if you do not.. you will be forced to at some point...

It is a struggle... and the struggle is real....

But.. when you give up the fight, you often find yourself winning...

I spend a lot of time with high level executives and CEOs in their 50s.... and the one thing they all say is: I wish I took care of myself better during the journey...

I wish I took more time for ME and my health and my family.....aka The Things That Matter....

Think about it....

Then, take action on "giving up" and surrendering your self...


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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