by Dana Cavalea September 03, 2018

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Hey Team--

Hope your Labor Day was a blast and you were able to take some time to relax, bbq, and spend some time with the family!

This was a weekend for me that I used to move....

Fun stuff.. 

Lifting, carrying, ordering...

A true disruption to my routine....

But.. a better move for me to increase productivity, relax my mind in a more tranquil environment, and move all my initiatives forward...

I am a huge believer in environment & energy....

With the belief that I am in charge of creating and changing both for better or for worse...

A big driver for me behind my move was what I call.. MIND EXPANSION...

New environments, new things, new places lead to new growth mentally....

So in life, if you are feeling stuck in anything you do... make some changes...

They can be as subtle as buying some new clothes... or as heavy as moving to another state or place where you feel more aligned...

Some call this "running away theory"... but that is totally not true...

The mind can become very habitual and routine in a negative way as much as it can be from the positive standpoint....

So as much as the mind loves routine.. it also can revolt by keeping you stuck in certain patterns of thought, action, or lack of action...

All the greats that I know are always seeking levels of CHANGE.

Now that does not mean they are changing for the sake of changing... but they change to re-stimulate and reset themselves...

One of my CEO Clients runs a multi-billion dollar healthcare company... 

He changes his office every 5- years... bringing in interior designers to change the entire look and feel of the place...

For his personal residence... he changes every 10 years....

He says it is like going to a new office everyday but not sacrificing the 10-minute commute to work that he loves...

As for his home... he loves the property and the memories there... so he gets a "new" house without changing venues every 10 years...

Question for you....

How many of you have been doing the same thing for too long?

How many of you are craving some change?

What holds you back?

These are such important questions to answer....

Now I have a challenge for you....

Since I made a change.... I am challenging you to make one as well!

Let's grow together!

This week... make at least 1 change for the better....

Share on this thread or on my facebook page under this post! Click here for it!

For those of you that have been on my blog for a while... Thank you...

I hope you have experienced growth and expansion!

Today we will all walk together in our next step!



**One way I grow every day is by using my High Performance Journal... I track everything... and that is how I can see my results for better or for worse... it is a daily reality check... You can check it out here...Click Here.



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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