by Dana Cavalea March 09, 2020


Hi Team...

Happy Monday! (Positive)...

I hope you had an amazing weekend (Positive)...

This weekend, I went to do dinner with some amazing people on Friday night (positive)... Saturday, well, went to visit some dogs at a dog rescue (positive), and yesterday, went to a baptism in Miami and saw some great friends. (positive)...

This morning,  well, I feel great! (as a result of the positive)....

That would make sense, right?

Now, think about your weekend in the same terms... positives vs. negatives...

Was it positive?

Well, if so, how do you feel today? (outside of some normal Monday eye crust :)

Was it negative?

Well, if so, how do you feel today?

You see, the brain is complicated, but simple. 

It responds to what you give it... in each moment. It functions as a result of it's conditioning and frequency of that conditioning.

This is why AWARENESS is so important.

Momental Awareness.

Awareness in the Moment.

SO many have moments (that can last for years) that are just negative, down periods, frustration cycles... but they do not have to be this way.... but these moments hang around because of what you are feeding your mind...

I am sure you have heard this before...

But many think it is just the thoughts they have that make them feel this way..

Now, does Positive Thinking work?... ABSOLUTELY...

But, it will be negated if:

  • You hang around negative, depressing people
  • You are constantly putting yourself in situations that you perceive as "failing"
  • You are not getting enough sleep..
  • You are consuming too much caffeine...
  • You are overweight...
  • You are drinking too much...
  • You are not in stimulating, enriching environments..

You see, this is the part of the POSITIVE equation that most do not talk about and WHY so many fail as it relates to POSITIVE THINKING.

Look, nobody wants to be negative...they become that way over time.

But, many do not even know that they are...

Because they are unaware of their thoughts, their environments, etc. and how all of these things effect their whole self.

I always say to those I coach: KNOW YOUR TRIGGERS.

Then, put them on a list: PEOPLE, PLACES, AND THINGS.

Now, some of these things you can not change- but, you can change:

  1. How you interact
  2. How long you interact
  3. When you interact
  4. How you perceive the interaction

That puts you in control of the interaction- and therefore, in control of how you are effected by it. 

Some people are like the BLUES...

They can slow you down and take you down if you let them...

You can not let them!

So, as you take on the week, figure out your TRIGGERS and start to renegotiate how you deal with the above....

Flip things to the positive view...

Stay open....

Let the feelings you carry with you dissipate...

You will feel so much lighter as you RUN YOUR RACE.

Let's GO!

Your Coach,


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

2 Responses

Dave allen
Dave allen

September 02, 2024

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March 09, 2020

Great article and insight Dana. I question my athletes as they come in for their sessions about what has taken place during the week, and what’s ahead. We break down positives and negatives, and focus on positives moving forward. Funny thing is that after we talk, some of those perceived negatives actually become positives. Keep up the great work brother.

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