by Dana Cavalea April 23, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team!

How many of you have tried a detox or cleanse?

Maybe you joined a gym and they offered you to join a Challenge?

Or maybe the work-site wellness program at your job was offering one to "engage" you and help you lose weight...

Well.. let me ask you...

How did that work out for you?

You know..that weight you lost and muscle you gained...

Do you still live with those benefits?

Or, are you thinking about those Glory Days about how torturous yet effective that strategy was....

Those 10 to 90 days of discipline and will power... 

You lost weight, felt great, but you were starving... or over-committed for that time period...

And now...

It is impossible to get yourself started again....



Why is that?

Let me tell you...

You took your body into a state of deprivation...

When you do that... the body and mind rebel... 

Well what really happens is your body becomes a storage unit and holds onto everything you eat because it never wants to experience that level of deprivation again...

The body is amazing.. it is totally self-regulating and will do all it can to protect your key organs... so storing fat around these organs, which is called visceral fat is strictly a line of protection... 

Research has also shown, the more crash diets, yo-yo diets, and deprivation based cleanses you go on... the more visceral fat (fat around your organs) will form.. making it nearly impossible to lose weight...

SO think about it... remember that SHAKE diet you went on?

The mere thought of those shakes today make you sick to your stomach...

That is the power of the body...

So before you engage in something radical.. remember... Those diets, detoxes, and challenges DO NOT have YOUR BEST INTEREST in mind.. 

They are designed as a "marketing" tool.... 

Never forget that!

Those things are "bait" to play into your "quick fix" and easy way out mentality... 

But before you bite the hook.. will fail every single time....

Slow and steady is the key...

Habits need to be formed...

You do not have enough will-power to maintain the above marketing scams...

SO, remember the basics of healthy, clean food.... and daily activity....


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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