by Dana Cavalea September 24, 2017

Have you been desiring a different result?
Stuck with the same results mentally and physically for many years?
You are not alone.
Have you ever taken the time to listen to the language and story line that you put through your own thought highways?
What are you telling yourself minute to minute?
Now we obviously do not want to become obsessed with constant thought, but if you could take a little time periodically each day to check in with the WORDS you are telling yourself, the themes of what you are telling yourself, and the undertones of your subconscious mind...
You may be able to find the answer you are looking for.
You will possibly discover the Can-nots, Will-Nots, and other (-) negative sayings that may be sabotaging your quest to change.
Change, or advancement can only occur from new thoughts and vision.
The same thoughts/ visions that brought you to your current state can not do it. Even if you have had success, your thoughts and vision have to change in order to advance forward.
What do you tell yourself?
The million dollar question...
Personally speaking, interesting enough, when I find myself with negative thoughts, I also feel myself holding my breath...
Not taking slower, longer, elongated breaths.. but rather shorter ones...
It is quite amazing how our psychology and physiology are so intertwined and may be more closely related than we give credit...
Releasing your breath will release energy and open up your mind and thoughts..
Hence, the reason why so many are now advocates of taking time to consciously BREATHE each day...
Take the time each day to check-in.
If you are thinking negative... create a change mechanism for yourself.. whether it be a CLAP, a deep breath with a hard exhale, or even jump up and down for 10-15 seconds to change the directionality of your thoughts...
Similar to an animal.. you must change the stimulus to create a small distraction so that change can occur...
I will leave you with this....
You have thousands of thoughts a day..
You become what you tell yourself...
Your life becomes the themes of your thoughts...
Old thoughts can not create new adventures....
Change your thoughts, change your patterns, change your game...
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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