by Dana Cavalea January 05, 2020

1 Comment

Hey Team!

We are back!

I hope you all had an awesome Holiday Season..spending time with friends, family, and taking some time to relax and recharge!

The past 2 weeks for me were all about "getting away" and recharging my body and mind....

Working out, cooking & eating well, while at the same time unplugging and being creative....

Sort of my free pass for the year...

As my clients know, I am usually very open and accessible.. but each year I take the last two weeks of the year to "Get My Mind Right!"..

You see, Coaching, Leadership, and being on the Journey to High Performance takes a ton of energy... and, once that energy is not there.. everything begins to slip...

I can't have that.. and neither can YOU!

So, now that we are back and ready to hit 2020 hard... 

Where do we start?

Well, luckily after 2 weeks off, I got us covered: MAKING OUR 1ST LIST OF 2020

What? A List?



💚Column 1: What Am I Great At? What Do I Love to Do?

Column 2: What Am I Doing That I am Not Great At & Causes Me GREAT Frustration? (and that burn my energy)

✒️Write These Things Down! (Do Not Do It in Your Head).....

Now, since this year will bring plenty of resistance on it's own, let's work to lighten the resistance by looking at Column 2- and..

1️⃣ Circle all the things YOU can delegate (put a name next to them of who you can delegate to. If you do not have anybody, write: HIRE.

2️⃣ Circle all the things YOU don't really need to be doing, (Put a Line Through Them) and..

3️⃣Circle all the things that simply are not good for us...(Put an X- Through Them)..

And, at this point that column should virtually be eliminated... and what is left may just be your "have-to-do's"... just until you can get them off your list...

Make 2020 the year you stop doing stupid things that do not have a return on your time and energy investment.....

Drop the need for "control" and get focused on building, growing, supporting the team around you... the people around you....

Make sure everybody knows: EXACTLY WHAT YOU SET OUT TO DO THIS YEAR...(while letting them know their will be audibles and things that present themselves along the way)....

Now, back to the LOVE TO DO LIST....

This is where you will spend your time, your energy, your attention, and focus...

Keep it on your desk...

Leave it in front of you...

Next time you are feeling frustrated, fatigued, or tired... 


Chances are, you are focused on what is X'ed out or on something that has a line through it....

Now, let's get to work!

Your Coach,


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


January 24, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!
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