by Dana Cavalea April 06, 2017

For many young boys and girls..their goal is to become a pro athlete or a professional musician or even run or start a Company.. for many this dream falls apart before they enter high school or immediately afterwards as they become "focused on or distracted" by other things...

But then... at some point.. after going through the battles of Corporate America.. and fighting for their position in life, they wake up and wonder what life would of been like if they "made it".. and made it to the top. 

Many of them channel that competitive spirit into their work on Wall Street, or their work as a Corporate Executive, but they still wonder what it would of been like to live the life of Jeter or Bruce or Elon.. 

Now we know that once you reach a certain age, the dream of making it to the Pros as an athlete starts to slip away as a result of age, belief, commitment, or talent... but that does not mean you should give up on living your life in a PRO Way. 

And.. luckily.. when it comes to music, theatre, or entrepreneurship- age does not matter one bit!

What I learned in all my years of working with high performers is that they hold themselves to a standard and never waiver from that standard. They are convicted individuals. They are people who often have confidence misunderstood for ego. 

They are the type of people that want the ball when it counts. They love to see their name up in lights. They believe they single handedly can change the game or outcome. They take full accountability. They are not afraid of failure. They see success even when they fail. They are very difficult to convince because their beliefs are so strong and directed towards a goal or outcome. They are leaders.

That is PRO. That is what PRO is. Pro is about holding yourself to a high standard, manifesting results, and then attacking day in and day out. That is PRO.

Pro is winning in business, relationships, finances, health.. and life. No one is more important than the other... all are important. Pros work to win in all categories.

When we roam the Earth each day- it is easy to spot these people. They are the ones that "made it" either as a result of their finances, their position, or their radiating joy/happiness that shows a level of self-contentment that is truly admirable. That is Pro.

The difference between a Pro and an Amateur is easy to see. The victim, down and out, poor me, I can't do it nature of the Amateur delivers the world a negative energy field that can take down a small nation.. spotting that Amateur unfortunately has also become quite easy since there are so many of them.

The Amateur has lost their way. They quit on themselves and their vision years ago- and believed what others said and the stories they told themselves. That is an Amateur. A body and mind of fleeting confidence--- and lack of belief in ones-self.. and a quitter who never gave themselves a chance. 

My question for you is WHO do you want to be? If the answer is Pro because you lost your way- that is the right answer. It is time. Your time. Your time to go PRO. Let me show you how.

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

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