by Dana Cavalea March 18, 2018

1 Comment

Hey Team..

Writing you today from my South Florida office in Boca Raton... (aka Starbucks)...

Each day I like to get started with some morning stretching, some power fueling, some deep breathing (as I think about my plan of execution to WIN the DAY) and of course.. my daily blog..

The days when I do not have my routine going strong, I feel incredibly off-kilter and even weak... We all know how hard it is to WIN and play offense when you feel weak...

I learned the Power of Routine from the top Athletes I have been fortunate to work with over the years...

The best had routines for each part of their life. It gave them stability, comfort, and power... 

Do you find yourself constantly rushed or running?

Never working on solid footing?

I have found the more scheduled you are, (allowing time for free play and flow), the better your chances are for long term productivity and success..

There is not a Coach out there who does not preach routine.

The key though is getting your players to discover for themselves the best routine for THEM.

You see, when I first started my "routine", I would just copy what other people were doing... (BAD MOVE)...

Routines need to be individualized. Specific to you!

So, what I do with my Coaching Clients is simple...

I give an outline.. and they fill in the the blanks... 

Below is an example of a morning routine.. (the most important for me)...

  • Stretching Upon Rising:___________________
  • Breakfast Fueling:________________________
  • Mindset(Affirmations- even JLo is doing it):______________________
  • Training/ Activation:_______________________

As I shared in my previous blog, there are always 4-Drivers of Performance...

If I can get my Coaching Clients to Fill in the blanks with "things that work for them"... they now own the routine...

I can give suggestions... but they need to own their routinefor long term success..

That is the key.. ownership...

Then as a Coach... I can provide accountability and check-ins to make sure they are compliant...

Easy peasy... 

So as we head into this next week..

Start a morning routine...

It works.. 

It works so well.. I even got my wife doing it now.. hitting the 6:20am train to NYC to start her day with a foam rolling & stretching session... followed by cardio, steam and a shower.. No more "pain" at work.. or feeling like you are putting yourself second... "self before work" is my motto....

Even though she is a "desk jockey"... she is optimizing her performance like a pro... and so can you! 

Let's do this TEAM! I got you!



Have you heard the Becoming A Champion Podcast yet? If not, check it out on Itunes! (Click Here)

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

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