Hitting Singles: The Key to Winning in Life, Sports, Business and Health

by Dana Cavalea December 27, 2017

1 Comment

Hey Everybody--  I took a few days off during holiday time to regroup-- but want to share something with you!

Many of you know that I spend most of my career training high-level Professional Athletes, which is always a lot of fun. But...

What I do now? In addition to working with the athletes, I train and coach many high level CEOs that have founded publicly and privately traded companies, and those who have gone on to sell many of these for large sums of capital, as well as Professional Team Owners.

When I was in college, I always used to discuss with a roommate of mine- Can you believe how much Player X makes? He would always turn to me and say, "D- thats what Player X makes.. but how about the guy paying him?".

I never forgot this dialogue.

Now.. I am able to learn from, and coach "THE GUY PAYING HIM"... always fascinated by the stories of people, I have used my curiosity and intrigue to pick the brains of some Wall Street Darlings... and truly learn what it takes to "make it" on the world stage.

After speaking with one of my guys yesterday, he said something that was simple, yet brilliant. With most of these guys.. it is always simple.. never complicated... 

"Dana, do baseball players that hit homers typically hit for a high batting average?"... I answered with a "No.. not usually"... He went on to say the same is true in business. "Focus on hitting singles every day... and those singles become runs over time. The key is being patient enough to embrace the time factor.

When you try to hit homers.. you often end up striking out a lot.. and feeling down, beat, and mentally/ emotionally drained...a state in which you can not be successful from... hit a lot of singles... and chip away everyday.

This.. along with staying focused on ONE THING.. and being great at it is the trick. Daily singles. Everyday. I became rich by saying no to more deals than I said YES to." 

What great advice... many people, in many fields try to do and be everything and say yes to every opportunity. This does not mean you have to be hyper selective on your audience.. but the "WHAT YOU DO" part has to be crystal clear and hyper selective. Laser-like vision and then work to be the best at it.

This also holds true when it comes to your training and nutrition.. 

How many people fail on detoxes, fad diets, the newest workout craze? Most!

Not sustainable and is the equivalent of trying to hit a HEALTH HOMER.. focus on eating one great meal a time.. and focusing on a #sweataday -- in the end you will be bettering your health each day..

In today's world with social media- it is easy to see the "glory" that many people have produced in their lives- which most of the time is fabricated by them.. and is not true success. It is important that you run your own race, on your own timeline, and become who you want to be.... based on your mission and goals that you have set for yourself and family.

One coaching cue I always give to my athletes is, "STAY WITHIN YOURSELF".... I believe if more people started to practice this.. they would believe more in themselves and their chosen path. They would be less reactive and more focused. More committed rather than bouncing around like a pinball.... 

On a final note of advice from my incredible client... "People don't dig in or truly focus on one thing because they have not found the thing that truly is their calling, the thing that lights them up, and the thing that truly drives them everyday to a point where they could not possibly think of doing anything else... this is the key. Once you find that... get rid of everything else"...

So take today... and see where you are bouncing around... and work to steady your ship... Start with your WHY.. Find your Mission, Set Your Targets... and the causes that drive you.. then get behind them.

Do what you love... and greatness will follow. #TrainLikeAPro


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

1 Response


February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing! https://j9korea.com/

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