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Hey Team...
I wanted to share a champion-leadership lesson with you today...
As we all go through our journey of life... we will meet many different kinds of people...
People that come from many different walks of life, backgrounds, financial levels, and social conditions...
So why do we connect with some and not with others?
Why as leaders are some people easy to lead and others resist?
I believe it all comes down to a persons "open-ness" and ability to see opportunity and great abundance rather than scarcity and lack...
Many out there are guided by fear as a result of their past, filed/ subconsciously recorded experiences...
Many come from abusive homes and environments both physical and verbal...
Many re-create the patterns of their past and find a sense of comfort in maintaining the family "traditions"....
Others realize the toxicity and realize there has to be a better way.. (open-ness)
They realize life is always changing and evolving... as should they and their relationships (open-ness)
Those who overcome the past and are easy to lead realize a victim-state of being is really a zone-defense to protect their inner pain....
Our ability to connect with others at the deepest levels comes from being empathetic, understanding, being non-judgemental, and most importantly, open to real, honest, authentic communication....
Communication at a level that may hurt a little bit, may force you to tame your emotions a bit (or let them go), and at a level where sharing the demons of the past becomes liberating rather than presenting itself as darkness...
You see, we walk amongst many who are in pain....
Not just physical pain... but pain that wears a mask... a mask of "strength" "toughness" and even "obsessiveness"....
But we must realize beneath these masks and tough exteriors sits a white-capped ocean... unsettled, reactive, volatile, awaiting a storm.....
This is what makes leadership and relationships so difficult...
The great leaders realize this... and we must never forget the words of John F. Kennedy... "A rising tide raises all boats"...
That is what leaders do...
They raise the tide... they raise the expectation... they create an environment that is safe for those in pain to remove their masks and enjoy life from new levels of the sea....
That is leadership....
Leaders eliminate human toxicity syndrome and create a safe-zone for all those around them to communicate freely and openly.... always making sure respect is in place...
We must all respect ourselves before we can respect others... that is true, deep rooted, respect... a quality many of the self-serving mask wearing individuals lack...
Yet a quality many of the most respected leaders demand of themselves...
So as we work through today's lesson... we must realize those around us who suffer due to their own struggles... we must realize we can only raise the tide and lift those who are open to lifting... and we must realize like any good man or woman who works the sea... sometimes to save your crew you must cut bait and abandon any weight that may hold you back...
Life is about living... as a leader you must always raise the tide.
January 28, 2023
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