by Dana Cavalea April 13, 2022


Hi Team..,.

I have found a tremendous amount of freedom in my life by reaffirming something to myself daily: DYB, Do Your Best.

Here is what I have found from this statement- it keeps the pressure down and it allows me to focus on what I can do-- and less on what others think, on pleasing others, and on doing things that look good vs. what is actually good.

For many high performers it is the pressure they put on themselves that actually kills their self-esteem and makes them frustrated and anxious over time...

Now, I do believe 100% you should have an edge and a spine- but when your existence is driven by anger- as a result of "under-performing" that is not good...

So, if you remind yourself everyday: DMB, Do My Best. DYB, Do Your Best you are programming yourself to do just that...

Now, your best does not just happen....

It is your job to know what your best is...

It is your job to a develop a plan, with a coach that can work day in and day out that will allow you to do your best work....

Then, you work that plan over and over and over- tweaking along the way but by working it consistently and getting feedback you know you are doing your best...

What does not doing your best look like?

Trying to do everything... for everyone... being on all the time because you have no calm or peace inside of you as a result of not feeling like you are accomplishing anything or like you have accomplished anything...

I am sure many of the high performers reading can relate to this....

The key to achievement is simple....

  • Decide on what you want....
  • Put a plan in place....
  • Visualize the achievement daily...
  • Work the plan daily...
  • Reinforce through language and words that you are going to do your best...

That is all we can do...

And, over time, you will find yourself rolling!

This is what The Champions-30 Health Reset & Weight-Loss Plan is going to do for the team of individuals I am taking through it starting this Friday, April 15th.

It is going to be exciting...

These individuals have decided to make a change in their life and are going to be Coached over 30-days to make that change happen for themselves....

We are going to over-ride certain beliefs they have and replace those beliefs with new ones through a structured plan and key action steps... but most importantly habit change...

It works.

I am on it.

And I would love to take you through it as well.

If you have not registered yet, click here to register.

Remember, all you can do is your best.

That is what you owe yourself.

Your Coach,



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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May 31, 2024



April 15, 2022

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April 15, 2022

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