by Dana Cavalea May 02, 2018

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Hey Team-

I had a great meeting yesterday with my mind-coach and really enjoyed our chat...

As I have said in the past.. for me, Coaching has been such a powerful thing to keep me on track.. 

Not that I don't hold myself accountable... 

But when you can build a team around you, it feels good to have the support and voices to bounce things off of...

Now back to the conversation..

Over the past few years I have really been working hard to "stay within myself" and "run my own race"... rather than being a horse in a race competing against "all the other horses"...

Since my background is in competitive team sports, I have that innate sense of wanting to compete...

Is this good?

At times... very much so...

But the question I always have to ask myself is :

"Who are you competing against... yourself or others?"

You see, what I have come to realize is, when you focus on competing with others, and are "racing the clock"... you are losing yourself ...

You are losing your own way... 

Your own vision...

The right timeline/ time-frame for you...


Everybody wants to win... 

Everybody wants to get to the finish-line and be crowned a winner...

But really, what is the rush?

That is what I remind myself everyday..

There is no rush... 

Rushing will actually set you back and get your depressed.. because nothing ever moves at the pace of a type A, high expectation leader...

So if you want to win.. play the long game... 

Just commit to executing your Daily Power Plays (1-3 of the most important things you need to do to move your own needle)... and then unplug for the day...

That is the key to my personal optimization...

What should you be telling your self?

As important as it is to have a team around you... self-coaching is so, so important...

On my down time, I love to watch the GOLF Channel.. and listen to the "guys" talk.. 

The players get it. They talk about their mindset, their training, their need for rest and recovery... They are honest with themselves and will flat out tell you when they suck...

Love that... they are very present...

If you are rushing and are dishonest with yourself.. that is a recipe for "running" and not staying within yourself... 

So take some time today to think about how you can really "slow down" and work at your own pace... going after what you really want, based around your passion, and your WHY...

And remember.. there is no perfect time... 



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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