by Dana Cavalea November 25, 2018


Hey Team!

I hope you all had an awesome holiday weekend with family and friends....

I definitely did... enjoying family on Long Island... and then heading to Pennsylvania to be with my brother and his family...

Always nice to sit back, relax, and just enjoy the company of family.

In addition though, if you were like me, you may have let the dessert tray get you!

It is never the main course that  takes me down.. it is always that extra serving of dessert...

But, either way, it was delicious!

So that brings me to today.... 

I wanted to share with you a simple diagram I use with my Coaching Clients when we talk about nutrition... 

Simple. That is the key...

If you can see the diagram below (if not, open in your browser)... you can see just how simple EATING WELL really is... 

Your plate should really be broken down into 2-Categories... Lean Meat, Fish, Chicken, Eggs (or other lean protein sources)... and then pair that with a portion of Vegetables and/ or Fruits...


And.. it is easy to remember...

Just look down... Ask yourself.. Does my plate have a protein? Does my plate have a vegetable and/or fruit?

If you answer NO, you know your plate needs some help!

I know this sounds funny... but it really takes being present to understand proper eating... This is what makes snacking so dangerous... 

Most times, snacks are tossed into our mouths, without actually considering their macro-nutrient values and compositions...

So, always eating meals, 4-6 per day... using the plate diagram below is the answer...

Trust me.

It works. 

In a few short weeks... your body will transform... and energy will be running through you.... Stop eating sugar and crap... and things will change..

We are all in this together... I got you...

That is my job as your Coach!

Eat Like A Pro!


**If you want to be Coached by me as we head into 2019...

Click Here to Apply!


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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