by Dana Cavalea August 01, 2018

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Hey Team...

I was doing some thinking yesterday about the word "structure"...

For those who have children, you know how important this is to their overall behavior and mindset...

But have you thought about how it applies to you?

How it applies to your teams?

How is applies to those you serve?

You see, structure is really a discipline... and discipline is a scary word for many...

Especially today, discipline to many is a word that symbolizes the taking of "Freedom"...

What I have found though, by creating discipline and systems to live by, you are actually improving your overall efficiency, which in the short and long game, will give you more freedom to do what you want... (with a clear headspace)...

Let me share... 

On the days I wake up and just "float".. (no plan, no morning routine, nothing scheduled).. those are my worst days... and.. I have the most free time...

The only issue with my free time on those days is that it is not guilt-free...

Because, it is just time that I am "looking" for things to do...

On the other side, if I execute designing my schedule the night before, making my list of "power-plays/ to-dos", schedule my workout (with a plan), and build out exactly what I am going to be working on and when, my achievement goes way up. 

My personal satisfaction goes way up because I had purpose and growth.

Then, when it is time to "chill".. I feel like I really earned it...

Daily structure is so important....

For those of you who lead others... if you are able to provide structure to those you lead.. watch how overall productivity, engagement, and confidence goes up... not to mention the change of culture!

Discipline and structure provide results. Look at some of the winningest entities in the World, say the US Military... built on discipline and structure.

Great teachers = great disciplinarians with great hearts.
Great coaches = great disciplinarians with great hearts and passion for the pursuit of excellence and winning.

Now it is your turn...

Tighten the straps on yourself and those around you....

With one caveat...

Make time for free play, recovery, relaxation, and fun... build that in to the plan...

This allows your mind and body to recharge....

Go get it!





Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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