by Dana Cavalea August 29, 2017


Do you have tight hamstrings?
Most people do! 
Today's blog is dedicated to my buddy Jay! He is a recent hamstring "puller" and was looking for some help.. and here it is!
Have you ever seen somebody bend over to tie their shoe and it literally can take 3-5 seconds for them to bend down?
I always get a kick out of watching that!
So many of the aches and pains in our body can be avoided with a little day to day work on flexibility, mobility, and soft tissue work. We just have to make the time!
Let's talk hamstrings for a minute. Often pulled by athletes that play power sports such as baseball and football.
The acceleration in these sports is so spontaneous and aggressive that when combined with shortened hamstrings, an underutilized glute complex, and tight hip flexors... the end result is a pop!
Let's talk prevention for a minute. How do we prevent hamstring strains?
1. Foam Rolling/ Soft Tissue flushing of the Lower Body
2.Avoid Shortening Exercises like Leg Curls
3.Stretch your Hip Flexors and Quads Daily!
4.Strengthen your Glutes Daily!
5.Improve your overall conditioning levels so you can sustain work over longer periods of time
6. Stretch Your Hamstrings on Multiple Angles: Seated, Kneeling, and Standing
Now if you happened to have pulled your hamstring, here is the immediate care:
1. If you have black and blue bruising, see an Orthopedic!
2. Ice with compression immediately after you hear the POP.
3. Rest for 48-72 hours so the muscle can heal.
4. After the rest period, start using heat on the muscle.
5. Begin very gentle stretching.
6. Using massage cream, gently massage the muscle up and down with the striations of the muscle.
7. Begin Biking, starting with 5 minutes if pain free, then add 1 minute each day for the next 15 days.
8. Ice after every treatment.
I hope that helps you guys! I will post some videos on my website that you can use to guide your process!#trainlikeapro
** If you don't feel comfortable with a self treatment, you can see a Physical Therapist at a place like PROFESSIONAL PT who can guide your rehab!
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

3 Responses


September 12, 2020



September 12, 2020


Jay Baitler
Jay Baitler

August 29, 2017

I met Dana in aspin class in Florida, where I beat him the first time. After class he asked me who I was and clearly he was not happy that a 70 year old had done better than he. A few weeks later he was there again on the next bike, but this time determined to not have the same result. HE TRASHED ME!
I only wish I knew Dana 20 years ago when I abused my body as I climbed the corporate ladder. Since retiring I have gotten into shape once again and Dana’s advice and counsel have kept me healthy and spinning.
Watch it Dana, I have added SLT three times a week to spinning in preparation for your next visit to Florida!!
Your hammy stretch and hip flexor routines can keep me going for years to come! THANKS

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