by Dana Cavalea March 13, 2019

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Hey Team!

I was reading an article this AM written by a friend and it really got me thinking....

Freud uncovered links between repressed emotion and physical symptoms nearly one hundred years ago. And recent studies have begun to support the notion that emotional and physical health are directly related to one another.

Ok- not to get all scientific and become overly philosophical on you.. but the reason I wanted to share this was because lately I have been coaching so many people that are feeling "stressed" and "amped" up....

I figured that at least one or two of you reading this could relate to that state...

And when I am coaching individuals that are in that state... the first thing we talk about is...


What do I mean??...

You know how everybody today is talking about Breathing & Meditation?

Well these 2 activities are becoming mainstream because so many out there are ready to blow....

Filled with uncontrolled and or repressed emotion....

Breathing and Meditation are basically a release....

When I work on athletes and leaders... the first thing I begin to do is rewire their thoughts... followed by pushing on their muscle tissue and releasing trigger points...

I have found through the years... The Greater the Mental Tension... The Greater the Muscle Tension....

Meaning.. if you are stressed, the stress usually has to go somewhere.. and it is usually packed into the muscles...

Why is this a problem?

Well.. your entire muscular system.. when "STRESSED".. increases your total body tension.... therefore it:

1. Lock down your diaphragm making it harder to breath and induce relaxation through breath...

2. Can increase daily aches and pains because of tight tissue and trigger points throughout the body...

3. Can lead to muscle pulls/ strains/ and tears... especially when combined with physical activity...

4. Creates a STRESS LOOP..Meaning..because your physical tension is high.. the body is in a state of tension... leading to greater fight/ flight response.....

So, what do we do? We have to RELAX.


Hot Baths....(heat and temperature are so important)

Soft Tissue Work and Massage...(treat yourself to a monthly massage at the very least.. and include daily foam rolling into your routine)

Meditation & Yoga... these can be beneficial to help bring down your total systemic stress levels... start slowly... even 1x per week can help significantly...

Control Your Thoughts... positive thoughts can override the negatives.... be very aware of your thoughts... they can be the #1 contributor to both ill health.. and thriving health.. you decide...

When the body is in high tension.. it is usually "RESTRICTED" and working in defense mode.. don't let that be you...

Full, 100% tension release through tissue work and authentic, judgement free expression are essential to the body feeling and working optimally...

Take control of your health with some of the suggestions above!

Let's GO!


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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