by Dana Cavalea September 30, 2017

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I'm writing today's blog from the Motor City.. Detroit Michigan!
You can feel the chill in the air and you can smell the grills of the midwest cooking some of the countries finest meat and comfort foods...
And that got me thinking.
I was talking with my great friend yesterday, Matt Casciano, talking about us getting older (I know.. 30s being old right...) and how we can feel slight changes in our bodies..
Recently I had seen him and he looked incredible, much leaner than the last time, great muscle tone, and all this as he runs the US operation of his Company from the finance side and raising 3 young children.
SO, I had to ask him HOW DID YOU DO IT?
And this was great to hear...
"DANE, I know my personality.. I have to go ALL-IN if I am going to make a change.. I have to quit cold turkey to really turn my life around and then it becomes a habit and a lifestyle .. I was also in the hospital with my wife and seeing all of those unhealthy people spooked me to get healthier"
You have to know your personality. You must know your habits and tendencies.. (I am an all or nothing.. so if I even taste bread.. the basket will shortly be just a napkin)
Once you get out of your 20s you should have a GREAT understanding as to how your body and mentality work if you take the time to understand yourself..
Matt.. a fellow I-Talian.. said he has not had pizza in over year..
Being from New York that would be the equivalent of somebody from Asia not eating rice for a year.. Nuts!
But.. you gotta know your PERSONALITY, HABITS, & TENDENCIES... and that is the key..
Why is it OK to quit cigarette smoking or drinking cold turkey but not the foods that make you gain weight or feel poorly from a digestive standpoint?
Why is that looked at as deprivation?
Why if something does not make you feel or look great is it a bad thing?
Well I am here to tell you that IT IS NOT A BAD THING...
And.. once you cut foods out that may be destructive to your body chemistry or digestive system.. you may actually never crave them again...
From this point you can actually begin to change your body chemistry.. but you have to dive in deep enough to FLUSH out your cravings for the salts, sugars, carbs, cheeses, and starches that may be slowly doing negative work on your body...
Now am I saying cut out all of those things? NO!
Cut out the things you eat that cause bloating, gastric distress, and weight gain... Then replace with good nutrient dense foods that provide higher levels of vitamins and nutrients..
So.. my question to you is this: "DO YOU KNOW THE FOODS THAT MAKE YOU NUTS?"... If you do.. share with us!
Try to eliminate them for 8-12 weeks and see how you feel.. the first few days will be the toughest... but then smooth sailing!#EATLIKEAPRO
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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