by Dana Cavalea August 07, 2019

Hey Team...

What if I asked you to do 20 jumping jacks and 10 pushups every single day for 1-month....

Could you do it?

What if you did do it for 45 days... then missed a day here, missed a day there....

What would happen?

Would it be easy to restart this "habit"?

Or, would you struggle because you "broke the habit"?

Well, I have found that most people would do about 5-7 days of the above ask...

Then quit....

Some would go half-way, then quit.

Others would go the full month, then quit.

And, those that have not quit, would often times go the full month and make it habit where they do the routine way more times than not do the routine...

What was the difference between these groups?

Is one group better than the other?


But, there is a major difference between the group that continues and the groups that quit.



They see the routine as more than just a short term goal or challenge....

They link this routine to an outcome or a result..... often times that is aligned with their other goals in life...


You decide to walk every morning because it makes you feel great....

You do this every morning because it is your MAGIC TIME..

That is what you have titled it because just that simple walk is what allows you to create MAGIC at work...with visionary ideas, clear plans, and great communication.....

You also realize that this simple walk each morning cuts your stress and anxiousness....

And, an added benefit is you get to think about your kids and your husband/wife and how great they really are....

You are in a great place and because of that... you are not focused on the negatives but the positives....

Just a simple walk.

Over the course of the year.... you are new person... just because you have been consistent with your walks.....

And, your businesses is soaring.... 

Your mind is clear...

And, as an added bonus... you have lost 20lbs....

That walk also makes you make better food choices as well.... and, because you do it at 6am..before work, you are home earlier and not out howling all night!

That walk is a blessing.. a gift...


Because you committed to IT, and IT committed to YOU.

When you learn to link your habits to something bigger than just the activity...

Guess what?


It starts to stick...

And, it becomes a major part of your life....

Think about a habit you are struggling with...

What can you link it to?

Let's GO!

Chase Greatness...


Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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