by Dana Cavalea March 25, 2017

I am a dinosaur for saying it. I know. Just a Coach sticking up for other Coaches.. blah blah blah..

Well it is the truth. The reality is this.. after working with LIVE HUMANS over the past 15 years--- I have seen some common themes. 

  1. They will never log their food for more than a month- so STOP IT.
  2. Most people hate exercise... so they are captured by the bells and whistles of a new program.. but rarely stay committed because: THEY HATE EXERCISE.
  3. Using an application or infomercial program to drive your programming has ZERO Chance of working long term-- and by long term I mean more than 90 days-since there is no REAL COACH.
  4. Nobody (the person struggling) is going to weigh their food or pre-cook for 2 weeks.. so stop asking people to do it.
  5. Caloric restriction eating programs will be followed by painful periods of massive weight-gain... starve the body.. and the body will pay you back in a way you will hate! 

So.. now that we have the #truths on the table.. let's get real.

People need people. People need Coaches. The reality is this .. we all need somebody to push us outside of ourselves.

If we hate exercise.. we need somebody to push and guide us to get to our goals on All those days we do not want to do it. Also.. if you have the right PRO working with you, they will actually create a plan you enjoy rather than dread.. and base it on your needs. This includes the nutrition side as well.

If we love exercise.. we need somebody that can help to monitor us, program us, and pull us back when we need pulling back;Since exercise can be a strong coping tool and can become psychologically addicting.

With these facts... I am going to make a bold statement:


People need people. Without accountability, programming, and coaching... most individuals can't make it out alive. Every Pro Athlete has a Coach--- why? They can't do it alone.

I get sick to see all of these apps, infomercials, log-in programs--- they will never work. The formula is simple: CAPP Coaching Accountability Programming Progression.

The digital age is ending when it comes to fitness. Epic failures on the investment side by large companies are starting to validate these claims I made years ago-- You can not turn a "people" business into a "digital business" where programs are just formulated based on your numbers... there must be a personal element to a personal journey.

I want to wrap with this... I am not downplaying the effectiveness of some aspects of tech. I did a FB Live yesterday discussing the 10lbs of weight loss in 4 weeks by one of my clients..

He found us via digital.. but the program was all "real", based on his goals, his vision, his preferences, tastes, the gym he likes to workout at...bottom line.. IT WAS ALL ABOUT HIM.

The way it should be. Custom, personal, individualized. Apps allow companies to scale... but they do not work long term.. and we are about real, long-term goals... that is Coaching. #TrainLikeAPro

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

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