by Dana Cavalea January 22, 2018

1 Comment

We all have mentors right?

We all have people in our lives who help get us started in our careers..

I have somebody like that too..

Coach Billy King..

Family friend, inspiration, educator.. 

Fitness Fanatic.

In his 60's.. this former phys.ed. teacher still has a passion for health and fitness like you would not  believe..

Showcasing a physique that matches his passion... he spreads his message to all who will listen.. leading by example..through Consistency, Discipline, and Determination to fight off the aging process..

"I don't look at anything from the negative side of things.." - words of wisdom he greeted me with yesterday as I was wrapping up my workout and heading into the locker room..

A true sports lover and talent developer..

Coach King says, "So how is your training? How are you making out?".. The Coach asking The Coach... 

I went on to tell him about my appetite being inconsistent.. and sometimes non-existent.. 

He went on to ask.. "How is your diet overall?"... and I told him this winter my "carb" intake is up... I work out 6-days per week.. but have been eating a few too many starches...

And then he hit me with his thoughts...

"Your cells are full... your body has enough carbs.. you have to start burning them down.. My suggestion.. Increase Your Lean Protein, Increase Your Vegetables.. lower Starchy Carb Intake...and fruit temporarily... do this for about 14 days... "

You see, the body needs to burn the carbs.. 

Do you guys ever feel like you are forcing yourself to eat because your eating schedule is inconsistent? 

I have found that when my carb consumption is high, often times my Protein Consumption and intake of green vegetables is often low...

So if you are feeling like you are holding weight, especially in your mid-section... some simple tips would be:

Increase Lean Protein,

Decrease Fruit Intake (not eliminate), and...

Increase Intake of Green Vegetables...

This, along with a consistent eating schedule should do the trick when coupled with exercise...

We all need reminders. 

We all need to slow down enough to really analyze our cravings and eating patterns/ habits..

Once you identify what is actually going on.. self-correction becomes that much easier..

So for today's blog.. I want to thank Coach Billy King for motivating me.. and allowing me to spread the word to others!



Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

1 Response


February 01, 2023

Very helpful advice in this particular post! It’s the little changes that make the largest changes. Thanks for sharing!

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