by Dana Cavalea April 20, 2017

 Most of the self-help, personal growth, and motivational books, cds, dvds, seminars and conferences are usually promoting one thing at their core: WEALTH GENERATION.
This is great. The only problem is, that is an incomplete conversation. It is an incomplete conversation on the topic of development, and long-term, sustainable success.
I am fortunate enough to work with some truly incredible minds, from high ranking billionaire Titans to Sports Team Owners to Corporate Execs to top level Pro Athletes.
There has been so much learned through the years.
The ones that make it out alive are the ones that achieve wealth while they are flowing in the 5 key areas of their life.
Health. Business. Career. Family. Spiritual/ Religion.
It is amazing to see the similarities between the truly happy "success" magnates.
But one question I have always had for the "seminar" folks out there is how come they are only focusing on one part of the story?
Why are they not integrating health, training, fitness, nutrition, relationships, and family strengthening into their workshops?
Do they not realize if you only focus on the wealth part you will see a downward spiral in the other key areas that keep you grinding, floating, and with forward trajectory?
Why are they not showing people how it can all be done?
In my view, there is nothing cooler than seeing a guy who runs a 500 million dollar company enter a meeting- and let everybody there know that he has a "hard-stop" at 4pm because he has little league to coach at 5pm.
Or... the athlete that turns down the PR opportunity that could generate a few hundred grand to go to his parents wedding anniversary dinner.
That is winning like a pro. Most of the people I work with also place a large emphasis on their religious life.. shutting down for all key holidays and again spending time with their children- showing them the values of life.
Finally-- this group of PRO Achievers.. make training their first priority once they awaken every morning. They all have trainers. They all have an awareness of their day to day health and wellness. They realize without it they have nothing. They are firing a bullet-less gun without it. That would be the scariest thing in the world for these A+ Assassins.
So when you are constructing your life, your plan, and your strategy.. consider all the keys- not just the key of wealth.
What you will probably find is that the less you over focus on the wealth key, and the more you focus on your health, family, spiritual keys.. the more you will find yourself advancing forward towards your ultimate goals--- and the achievement of wealth will actually be a great reward and dividend.
Now in saying that .. focusing on day to day action, efforts, and giving your career 100% is a great thing. Much like giving the other keys 100% is important. No one key is more important than the other.#likeapro
For more insights.. get on my PRO NEWSLETTER Today!
Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

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