by Dana Cavalea October 16, 2017


35 Years Old.. Whoa! (real old right :))

Yesterday was my birthday and it was really a great day.

I made sure I had nothing to do but to relax and enjoy the feeling of "nothing".. doing nothing, thinking about almost nothing.. and definitely stressing about nothing..

Every year people ask me Coach, "What are you doing for your birthday?".. and I cordially respond, "The same thing I do everyday... get up, have breakfast, hit the gym, and then finish the day with a nice dinner."... 

I approach everyday the same way... by taking offense and constantly creating reflection points to keep me honest and even... my birthday is just a day with a few more reflection and forecasting points.. 

Where have I done well this past year? Where could I pay a little more attention? What do I want to accomplish this upcoming year?

These are my big questions... 

So.. I am willing to share with you guys if you are willing to listen (I also highly recommend doing this exercise 2x per year- Birthday and New Years)...

Usually I take an index card and write my responses.. and place it in the old underwear drawer so they can be seen everyday!

1. 197- Goal Weight.. I realized this year due to my travel and crazy days that I was eating out to often.. like 2-3 meals per day.. eating way to much salt, oil, and butter as a result of restaurant preparation... So I have decided to limit my "eating out" to 2x per week.. the rest of the week will be eating home.. I also decided to include a FAT SUNDAY.. where I can eat pasta and the carbs I love guilt free!

2. Follow Your Passion... Over the course of writing this blog almost everyday over the past year, I realized how much I enjoy writing and creating content that is easy to digest and content that is consumable for people on the go.. I can create snip it content rather than full dissertations and really help people... I shall continue (and.. I may even get a book done this year.. Finally!)

3. Cut out the NEGATIVE.. So we all know running a business can be very hectic and consuming mentally.. Often times this is because you take it "home" with you.. not a good idea.. I decided I will leave the negative.. and switch my mental train tracks to be a realist but stay focused on the positives that are happening.. letting the positives dilute the negatives... 

4. Speaking... I am launching another career venture focused on Speaking, Workshops, and Seminars for Companies, Universities, Sports Teams and Financial Firms.. my program is called PRODAY.. Change Your Game.. introducing people to the same techniques we use with PRO Athletes to enhance their performance-- mindset, training, fueling, and recovery.. PUMPED!

5. Work at my Own Pace.. I realized a lot of stress for me was coming from "hard charging" and "forcing" things to work.. This self set pace with some lofty/ false expectations was getting me in trouble... I was pushing my work rather than letting things "flow".. This would be like getting up to bat trying to hit a homer every time.. It just does not work.. As my buddy Kenny Dichter says.. Let the Pace Set Itself.. #truth

Anyway... I really wanted to take the time to THANK YOU guys for all the support over the past years.. for sharing my message, for applying my message, and for inspiring me with your daily comments, emails, and feedback..

I have always enjoyed helping people and the return karma that comes with it... 

More to come... Cheers to 35.. #trainlikeapro #theycallmecoach

Dana Cavalea
Dana Cavalea

Dana Cavalea is the World Champion Director of Strength and Conditioning & Performance of the New York Yankees. Currently, he is a High Performance Speaker & Consultant to Pro Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Business Executives, and Workforces on lifestyle strategies to reduce stress, improve work/life integration, and most importantly improve daily performance /outcomes. Book Dana to Speak at your Company Event or Conference Today!

2 Responses


March 09, 2021

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

Xindy Frassato
Xindy Frassato

October 16, 2017

Happy birthday!!!

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